Manual do usuário ACER AL2002W QUICK START GUIDE

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Resumo do manual: guia do usuário ACER AL2002WQUICK START GUIDE

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[. . . ] If this does not resolve the problem do not attempt to repair the monitor by yourself; opening or removing covers can lead to injury or death through electrocution among other hazards. Please contact a qualified engineer if you find the troubleshooting section does not help. SPECIAL NOTES ON LCD MONITOR The following symptoms are normal with LCD monitor and do not indicate a problem. NOTES Due to the nature of the fluorescent light, the screen may flicker during initial use. Turn off the Power Switch and then turn it on again to make sure the flicker disappears. You may find slightly uneven brightness on the screen depending on the desktop pattern you use. [. . . ] The LCD screen has effective pixels of 99. 99% or more. It may include blemishes of 0. 01% or less such as a missing pixel or a pixel lit all of the time. Due to the nature of the LCD screen, an afterimage of the previous screen may remain after switching the image, when the same image is displayed for hours. In this case, the screen is recovered slowly by changing the image or turning off the Power Switch for hours. 2 Package contents LCD Monitor Power Cord Audio Cable VGA Cable AC/DC Adapter User Manual (CD) Quick Start Guide Installation instructions Assembling the Monitor 1. Put the base of monitor on the desk 2. Put the monitor on flat table or plate. carefully. 3 Repackage the Monitor Save the original box and packing material in case you have to ship or transport the monitor. Unplug the power cord to make sure the power is off. Put the monitor into carton carefully. Important To find a clean and flat surface table place the monitor . To select clean and dry clothes put under the monitor for avoiding scratches. Adjusting the Viewing Angle The viewing angle of the monitor ranges from -5°~20°. 4 Connecting the Devices Caution: Make sure that the computer and the monitor are both disconnected from the power supply. AC/DC Adapter With power cord VGA Cable Audio Cable Connect the plug of the AC/DC adapter to the (DC IN ) socket of the monitor , then be insert the power cord into the adapter and a properly grounded electric socket. Connect the signal cable to the VGA input socket (VGA IN) of the monitor , and connect the signal cable to the VGA output socket of the graphics card on the computer. Clock: If there are any vertical stripes seen on the background of the screen this renders them less noticeable by minimizing their size. It also changes the size of the horizontal screen. H-Position: This adjusts the horizontal screen position. V-Position: This adjusts the vertical screen position. : There are three ways of adjusting color: Warm (Reddish white) Cool (Bluish white) User : You can adjust the colors red, green and blue to the intensity you desire. 7 Audio Volume: Adjusts the volume. Wide mode : Wide / Normal Information: This shows brief information on the screen. Reset: Recall to default settings. Settings OSD H. Position OSD Time-out This changes the position of the OSD window on the screen and staying time. Language: Select the OSD menu language from English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Russian. 8 Troubleshooting Problems Power LED is not ON No Picture · · · · · · Possible Solutions Check to see if the power switch is in the ON position. Ensure that the Power Cord is connected. [. . . ] Language: Select the OSD menu language from English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Russian. 8 Troubleshooting Problems Power LED is not ON No Picture · · · · · · Possible Solutions Check to see if the power switch is in the ON position. Ensure that the Power Cord is connected. Check to see if the power switch is in the ON position. Ensure that the Power Cord is connected. [. . . ]


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