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[. . . ] Do not block the ventilation holes on the cabinet. When positioning the monitor, make sure the power plug and outlet are easily accessible. If turning off the monitor by detaching the power cable or DC power cord, wait for 6 seconds before attaching the power cable or DC power cord for normal operation. Please use approved power cord provided by Philips all the time. [. . . ] This notice explains the different types of pixel defects and defines acceptable defect levels for each type. In order to qualify for repair or replacement under warranty, the number of pixel defects on a TFT LCD panel must exceed these acceptable levels. For example, no more than 0. 0004% of the sub pixels on a 23. 6 " XGA monitor may be defective. Furthermore, Philips sets even higher quality standards for certain types or combinations of pixel defects that are more noticeable than others. This policy is valid worldwide. Pixels and Sub pixels A pixel, or picture element, is composed of three sub pixels in the primary colors of red, green and blue. When all sub pixels of a pixel are lit, the three colored sub pixels together appear as a single white pixel. When all are dark, the three colored sub pixels together appear as a single black pixel. Other combinations of lit and dark sub pixels appear as single pixels of other colors. Types of Pixel Defects Pixel and sub pixel defects appear on the screen in different ways. There are two categories of pixel file:///D|/cd manual/philips/Q70G900281312A 20090613/Q70G900281312A 20090611/lcd/manual/ENGLISH/241E1/product/pixel. htm??1?4 ??7/10/2009 11:21:22 AM Philips Pixel Defect Policy defects and several types of sub pixel defects within each category. Bright Dot Defects Bright dot defects appear as pixels or sub pixels that are always lit or 'on'. ? Adjust Menu allow you to adjust Brightness, Contrast, Focus, Position and Resolution. You can follow the instruction and do the adjustment. Cancel prompts user if you want to cancel installation. Sub Menu Brightness Contrast Focus (Clock & Clock Phase) Position Resolution Display in Analog Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Display in Digital Yes Yes No No Yes Tab Heading Adjust Adjust Adjust Adjust Adjust file:///D|/cd manual/philips/Q70G900281312A 20090613/Q70G900281312A 20090611/lcd/manual/ENGLISH/241E1/product/SMART. HTM??3?17 ??7/10/2009 11:21:28 AM SmartControl Color menu: file:///D|/cd manual/philips/Q70G900281312A 20090613/Q70G900281312A 20090611/lcd/manual/ENGLISH/241E1/product/SMART. HTM??4?17 ??7/10/2009 11:21:28 AM SmartControl ? ?? Color Menu allow you to adjust RGB, Black Level, White Point, Color Calibration, and SmartImage (Please refer to SmartImage section). You can follow the instruction and do the adjustment. Refer to below table for sub-menu item base on your input. Example for Color Calibration Sub Menu RGB Black Level White Point Color Calibration Viewing Mode Display in Analog Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Display in Digital Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Tab Heading Color Color Color Color Color file:///D|/cd manual/philips/Q70G900281312A 20090613/Q70G900281312A 20090611/lcd/manual/ENGLISH/241E1/product/SMART. HTM??5?17 ??7/10/2009 11:21:28 AM SmartControl 1. [. . . ] 8:30am~7:00pm Thailand Company: Axis Computer System Co. , Ltd. Address: 1421 Soi Lardprao 94, Srivara Town In Town Soi 3 Road, Wangthonglang, Bangkok 10310 Thailand Tel: (662) 934-5498 Fax: (662) 934-5499 E-mail: axis5@axiscomputer. co. th Service Hours: Mon. ~Fri. 08:30am~05:30pm Vietnam Company: Digiworld Corp Address: 211-213 Vo Van Tan St, Ward 5, Dist. 3 , Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam Tel: 848-38266065 Fax: 848-38267307 E-mail: Digicare@dgw. com. vn Service hours: 8:00 to 12:00 AM and 13:30 to 17:30 PM (from Monday to Friday) Philippines Glee Electronics Inc Contact nos. (632) 7064026 Receiving Centers NEO CARE - Megamall 4th Level Cyberzone, Building B, SM Megamall, Mandaluyong City NEO CARE - SM North EDSA file:///D|/cd manual/philips/Q70G900281312A 20090613/Q70G900281312A 20090611/lcd/manual/ENGLISH/warranty/warcic. htm?? [. . . ]


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