Manual do usuário HP DESKJET 3050 J610A GUIA DE REFERÊNCIA

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Resumo do manual: guia do usuário HP DESKJET 3050 J610AGUIA DE REFERÊNCIA

Instruções detalhadas para o uso estão no Guia do Usuário.

[. . . ] Printed in [English] Printed in [Spanish] Printed in [Portuguese] © 2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L. P. *CH376-90018* *CH376-90018* ES EN PT CH376-90018 HP DESKJET 3050 ALL-IN-ONE J610 SERIES Comience siguiendo las instrucciones de configuración de la Guía de instalación. Cartucho negro Cartucho tricolor 122 122 www. hp. com/support Español Panel de control Español WIRELESS ! 1 2 3 Botón e indicador de Encendido: Enciende o apaga el producto. Aunque el producto esté apagado, sigue utilizando una cantidad mínima de alimentación. Para una desconexión completa, apague el producto y desconecte el cable de alimentación. Cancelar: Detiene la operación actual. [. . . ] · Windows Vista®: On the Windows taskbar, click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Printer. · Windows XP®: On the Windows taskbar, click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Printers and Faxes. Make sure that your printer has a check mark in the circle next to it. If your printer is not selected as the default printer, right-click the printer icon and choose Set as Default Printer from the menu. If your printer is connected directly to your computer with a USB cable and you are still unable to print, or the Windows software installation fails: 1. Remove the CD from the computer's CD/DVD drive, and then disconnect the USB cable from the computer. Insert the printer software CD in the computer's CD/DVD drive, then follow the on-screen instructions to install the printer software. Do not connect the USB cable until you are told to do so. After the installation finishes, restart the computer. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Windows 7 is either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Mac: If you are unable to print a test page: · If your printer is connected to your computer with a USB cable, make sure the cable connections are secure. · Make sure the printer is powered on. If you are still unable to print, uninstall and reinstall the software: Note: The uninstaller removes all of the HP software components that are specific to the device. The uninstaller does not remove components that are shared by other products or programs. Disconnect the HP product from your computer. Open the Applications: Hewlett-Packard folder. Insert the HP software CD into your computer's CD/DVD drive. On the desktop, open the CD and then double-click HP Installer. Follow the on-screen and the printed setup instructions that came with the HP product. 13 English Network troubleshooting The product cannot be found during software installation If the HP software is unable to find your product on the network during software installation, try the following troubleshooting steps. Wireless connections 1: Determine if the product is connected to the network by pressing the Wireless button. If the printer has been idle, you may need to press the wireless button twice to display the wireless menu. If the printer is connected, you will see the IP address (for example, 192. 168. 0. 3) on the printer display. If the printer in not connected, you will see Not Connected on the printer display. From the printer display, select Print Reports to print the network test page and the network information page. English 2: If you determined in Step 1 that the product is not connected to a network and this is the first time you are installing the product, you will need to follow the on-screen instructions during software installation to connect the product to the network. To connect the product to a network 1. [. . . ] Estar conectado a uma VPN é como estar em uma rede diferente: você precisará se desconectar da VPN para acessar o equipamento pela rede doméstica. · O software de segurança pode estar causando problemas. O software de segurança instalado no computador foi projetado para proteger o seu computador contra ameaças que podem vir de fora da rede doméstica. Um conjunto de softwares de segurança pode ter tipos diferentes de software, como antivírus, antispyware, firewall e aplicativos de proteção secundários. [. . . ]


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