Manual do usuário PHILIPS 226V4LSB/57

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Instruções detalhadas para o uso estão no Guia do Usuário.

[. . . ] Para evitar o risco de choques ou danos permanentes no equipamento, não o exponha à chuva nem à humidade excessiva. Para limpar o monitor, não utilize álcool ou líquidos à base de amoníaco. Se necessário, limpe com um pano ligeiramente húmido. Antes de limpar, desligue o monitor da tomada de parede. [. . . ] Regule os controlos de Brilho e Contraste. Verifique a placa de vídeo e as respectivas instruções porque poderá não ser uma placa padrão VESA-DDC. Regule o tamanho horizontal e/ou vertical. Regule o zoom. Sem cor ou cor intermitente q q A cor aparece manchada q q q Falta uma ou mais cores q q q Imagem Esbatida q A imagem é demasiado grande ou demasiado pequena. Os lados da imagem não estão em esquadria. q q q Regule a geometria. q A imagem aparece a dobrar. q Elimine a utilização de um cabo de extensão de vídeo e/ou caixa de comutação de vídeo. Vire o monitor para Leste para obter a melhor qualidade de imagem. Verifique se o efeito Moiré está desligado. Regule a entrada Sinc. q A imagem não é nítida. q Imagem Instável q Aumente a taxa de actualização. Problema com as Instruções no Ecrã q Consulte as instruções e as informações sobre resolução de problemas nesse capítulo. Para assistência adicional, consulte a lista de Centros de Informação aos Consumidores para contactar o distribuidor local da Philips. REGRESSAR AO TOPO DA PÁGINA Regulatory Information TCO'03 Information · Recycling Information for Customers · Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment-WEEE · CE Declaration of Conformity · Commission Federale de la Communication (FCC Declaration) · EN 55022 Compliance (Czech Republic Only) · VCCI Class 2 Notice (Japan Only) · MIC Notice (South Korea Only) · Polish Center for Testing and Certification Notice · North Europe Information (Nordic Countries) · BSMI Notice (Taiwan Only) · Ergonomie Hinweis (nur Deutschland) · Philips End-of-Life Disposal · Information for UK only Safety Precautions and Maintenance · Troubleshooting · Other Related Information TCO' 03 Information (For TCO Model Only) Congratulations! The display you have just purchased carries the TCO'03 Displays label. This means that your display is designed, manufactured and tested according to some of the strictest quality and environmental requirements in the world. This makes for a high performance product, designed with the user in focus that also minimizes the impact on our natural environment. Some of the features of the TCO'03 Display requirements. Ergonomics Good visual ergonomics and image quality in order to improve the working environment for the user and to reduce sight and strain problems. Augmenter la distance entre l'équipement et le récepteur. Brancher l'équipement sur un autre circuit que celui utilisé par le récepteur. Demander l'aide du marchand ou d'un technicien chevronné en radio/télévision. Toutes modifications n'ayant pas reçu l'approbation des services compétents en matière de conformité est susceptible d'interdire à l'utilisateur l'usage du présent équipement. N'utiliser que des câbles RF armés pour les connections avec des ordinateurs ou périphériques. CET APPAREIL NUMERIQUE DE LA CLASSE B RESPECTE TOUTES LES EXIGENCES DU REGLEMENT SUR LE MATERIEL BROUILLEUR DU CANADA. FCC Declaration of Conformity Model Number: 109B/F Trade Name: Philips Responsible Party: Philips Consumer Electronics North America P. O. Box 671539 Marietta, GA 30006-0026 1-888-PHILIPS (744-5477) Declaration of Conformity for Products Marked with FCC Logo, United States Only This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE EN 55022 Compliance (Czech Republic Only) RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE VCCI Notice (Japan Only) This is a Class B product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) for Information technology equipment. If this equipment is used near a radio or television receiver in a domestic environment, it may cause radio Interference. Install and use the equipment according to the instruction manual. Class B ITE RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE MIC Notice (South Korea Only) Class B Device Please note that this device has been approved for non-business purposes and may be used in any environment, including residential areas. RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE Polish Center for Testing and Certification Notice The equipment should draw power from a socket with an attached protection circuit (a threeprong socket). [. . . ] 104-33 Bogota, Colombia Phone: (01)-8000-111001 (toll free) Fax : (01)-619-4300/619-4104 MEXICO Consumer Information Centre Norte 45 No. 669 Col. Industrial Vallejo C. P. 02300, -Mexico, D. F. Phone: (05)-3687788 / 9180050462 Fax : (05)-7284272 PARAGUAY Av. Argentina 1780c/ Alfredo Seiferheld P. O. [. . . ]


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