Manual do usuário PHILIPS TT 2020

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   PHILIPS TT 2020 (5356 ko)
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Resumo do manual: guia do usuário PHILIPS TT 2020

Instruções detalhadas para o uso estão no Guia do Usuário.

[. . . ] ItalIano Introduzione Congratulazioni per l'acquisto e benvenuti in Philips!Per trarre il massimo vantaggio dall'assistenza Philips, registrate il vostro prodotto su www. philips. com/welcome. Il Bodygroom di Philips vi permette di depilare in modo sicuro, delicato, rapido e perfetto qualsiasi parte del corpo, al di sotto del collo. Con questo nuovo apparecchio ricaricabile, potrete regolare la lunghezza o depilare facilmente i peli del corpo, sia sulla pelle asciutta che bagnata! [. . . ] 4 Aftercleaning, snaptheshavingfoilbackinto theappliance(`click')(Fig. 12). 5 Rinsetheapplianceunderthetap(Fig. 13). Note: Lubricate the shaving foil with a drop of sewing machine oil twice a year. replacement In case of very frequent use, replace the shaving head (type number TT2000) every year. Replace a damaged shaving head immediately. Environment Do not throw away the appliance with the normal household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at an official collection point for recycling. By doing this, you help to preserve the environment (Fig. The built-in rechargeable battery contains substances that may pollute the environment. Always remove the battery before you discard and hand in the appliance at an official collection point. Dispose of the battery at an official collection point for batteries. If you have trouble removing the battery, you can also take the appliance to a Philips service centre. The staff of this centre will remove the battery for you and will dispose of it in an environmentally safe way. 15) removing the rechargeable battery 1 Taketheapplianceoutofthechargerandlet the motor run until the battery is completely empty. 2 Removebothsidepanelsfromtheappliance withascrewdriver(Fig. 16). 3 Separatebothhousingpartstoopenthe appliance(Fig. 17). 5 Bendthehooksonbothsidesofthepower unitoutwardstoopenit(Fig. 18). 6 Lift out the battery and cut the wires to separate the battery from the power unit(Fig. 19). Guarantee and service If you need service or information or if you have a problem, please visit the Philips website at www. philips. com or contact the Philips Consumer Care Centre in your country (you find its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaflet). If there is no Consumer Care Centre in your country, go to your local Philips dealer. Guarantee restrictions The shaving unit is not covered by the terms of the international guarantee because it is subject to wear. - - B C D E F General description (Fig. 1) Trimming comb Shaving head with foil On/off button Charger Adapter Small plug Tauchen Sie das Ladegerät niemals in Wasser; spülen Sie es auch nicht unter fließendem Wasser ab. Wenn der Adapter defekt oder beschädigt ist, darf er nur durch ein Original-Ersatzteil ausgetauscht werden, um Gefährdungen zu vermeiden. [. . . ] Hinweis: Geben Sie zweimal jährlich einen Tropfen Nähmaschinenöl auf die Scherfolie. Ersatz Bei sehr häufigem Gebrauch sollten Sie den Scherkopf (Typennummer TT2000) jedes Jahr austauschen. Ein beschädigter Scherkopf muss sofort ersetzt werden. umweltschutz Werfen Sie das Gerät am Ende der Lebensdauer nicht in den normalen Hausmüll. [. . . ]


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