Manual do usuário SIEMENS OPENSTAGE 40

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[. . . ] Documentation HiPath 500, HiPath 3000, HiPath 5000 OpenStage 40 T OpenStage Key Module 40 OpenStage Busy lamp field 40 User Guide Communication for the open minded Siemens Enterprise Communications www. siemens-enterprise. com Important information Important information Q For safety reasons, the telephone should only be supplied with power (required in connection with an OpenStage key module page 14 page 14 page 14, page 16 page 16): • using the original power supply unit. Part number: L30250-F600-C14x (x: 1=EU, 2=UK, 3=US). Never open the telephone or a key module. Should you encounter any problems, contact the responsible service personnel. [. . . ] Internal callers hear the busy tone, external callers are connected to another phone, which you can specify (contact your service personnel). Activating c Open the idle menu DND on Activating page 23. Select and confirm the option shown. c Open the idle menu DND off Confirm. page 23. When you lift the handset, you will hear a special tone (continuous buzzing) reminding you that "Do not disturb" is activated. Authorized internal callers automatically override the DND feature after five seconds. [1] "Differing display view in a HiPath 4000 environment (not for HiPath 500)“ page 127 83 Privacy/security Step by Step Caller ID suppression You can prevent your station number or name from appearing on the displays of external parties you call. The feature remains active until you deactivate it. Activating c Open the idle menu Suppress call ID Deactivate page 23. Select and confirm the option shown. c Open the idle menu Restore caller ID page 23. Select and confirm the option shown. Your service personnel can activate/deactivate caller ID suppression for all phones. Silent Monitor (not for HiPath 500) When configured (ask responsible service personnel), you can join in an on-going call conducted by an internal user and monitor silently and unnoticed. )944 Enter the code. j Enter your internal station number. 84 Privacy/security Step by Step Monitoring a room You can use a phone to monitor a room. This function must be enabled on the monitoring phone. When you call this phone, you can immediately hear what is happening in that room. Activating the telephone to be monitored N Open the Program/Service menu Room monitor page 28. Select and confirm the option shown. You can either leave the telephone in speakerphone mode or lift the handset and leave it directed towards the noise source. Deactivating the telephone to be monitored N Press the lit key. The LED goes out. or \ Replace the handset. Monitoring the room j Enter the internal station number of the phone located in the room that you wish to monitor. Trace call: identifying anonymous callers (not for U. S. ) You can identify malicious external callers. You can record the caller’s phone number during a call or up to 30 seconds after a call. In this case, you should not hang up. N Open the Program/Service menu Trace call page 28. Select and confirm the option shown. If the trace is successful, the transmitted data is stored by your network operator. Contact your service personnel. 85 Privacy/security Step by Step Locking the telephone to prevent unauthorized use You can prevent unauthorized parties from using your phone during your absence. You can see whether the function is activated or deactivated from the corresponding icon in the status bar on the display page 22. Locking the phone ( Hold down the key shown. or c Open the idle menu Lock phone page 23. Select and confirm the option shown. j Enter code (telephone lock) page 88. page 22. The padlock icon appears on the status bar When the phone is locked, a special dial tone sounds when the handset is lifted. Within the system, users can make calls as normal. Your phone can also be locked or unlocked by an authorized party page 87. [. . . ] If configured (contact your service personnel), functions can be activated interactively (select + confirm), via the Program/Service menu (select + confirm or enter a code), or with function keys. Functions (=display) Account code Advisory msg. Call waiting Waiting tone off Waiting tone on Call wait. term. on Call wait. trm. off Callback View callbacks/Delete Caller list Save number Conference Start conference Add party End conference View conf parties Remove party Drop last conf. party Consultation Return to held call Quit and return Transfer/Accept call Control Relay On (only for HiPath 3000) Control Relay Off (only for HiPath 3000) 136 . . . [. . . ]


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