Manual do usuário UFESA AT7310

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Resumo do manual: guia do usuário UFESA AT7310

Instruções detalhadas para o uso estão no Guia do Usuário.

[. . . ] AT-7313 15 11 12 13 16 9 7 14 8 10 1 4 6 RO 1. Filtru de protectie al motorului · 10. Filtru pentru expulzarea aerului · 11. Pedalã pentru punerea în functiune oprire · 13. [. . . ] Filtro de expulsão de ar · 11. Regulador de potência electrónico · 14. Dispositivo para enrolar o cabo · 15. Fit the tube to the suction hose, with the brush or nozzle that is required and fit the hose Motor protection filter: Take the vacuum to the vacuum intake. cleaner without the dust bag, remove the filter and replace with a new one (Fig. Pull the cord out and plug in to the mains the slots with the lugs. Never use the vacuum without this filter fitted. . Regulate the suction with the electronic Air outlet filter: Take out the filter holder, power regulator. remove the filter and replace with a new one. The intensity can be regulated from the filter holder in position. Opening the flap reduces suction, while closing it increases suction. MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING The accessories and the vacuum may be 6. When you have finished using the appliance cleaned by using a damp cloth. Disconnect the plug the appliance in water. Do not use solvents from the mains and wind in the cord by nor abrasive products for cleaning. CARRYING ACCESSORIES The vacuum may be carried comfortably by To use the brush, fix on to the crevice nozzle. To fit the Both can be stored separately in the rear of the carry strap fix on to the points indicated. 8) CHANGING THE BAG When the suction decreases considerably and the bag full indicator shows red in the centre HU 1. Résszívó · 3. Kárpítszívó · 4. A porszívó kézi ellenrzése · 6. A leveg kiáramlást ved szr · 11. [. . . ] A motort véd szr: Amikor a porszívóból 2. Illessze össze a gegecst a csvel és azt a eltávolította a porzsákot vegye ki a szrt és kefét, amelyet használni akar. Helyezze be a helyezzen be egy újat. Egyeztesse a réseket a kiálló fülekkel (Ábra 6). [. . . ]


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