Manual do usuário ACER V223HQ QUICK START GUIDE

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[. . . ] Do not use alcohol or ammonia-based liquid to clean the monitor. If necessary, clean with a slightly damp cloth. Disconnect the monitor from the power supply before cleaning. Consult a service technician if the monitor does not operate normally when operating instructions of this manual are followed. RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE file:///D|/rita/LF2/LF2/LFa1/multi_manual/english/109B/SAFETY/SAFETY. HTM [8/29/2001 3:03:51 PM] About This Electronic User's Manual About This Electronic User's Manual About This Guide · Other Documents You May Need · Notational Descriptions About This Guide This electronic user's guide is intended for anyone who uses the Philips Color Monitor. It describes the monitor's features, setup, operation and all other information, which is the same exact information described in our printed version. [. . . ] RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE H Hertz The unit of frequency named after the physicist Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894). 1 hertz (Hz) is equal to 1 cycle/second. Horizontal dot pitch See Dot pitch. Horizontal scanning frequency file:///D|/rita/LF2/LF2/LFa1/multi_manual/english/GLOSSARY/GLOSSARY. HTM (6 of 18) [8/29/2001 3:03:55 PM] Glossary Also called line frequency and expressed in kHz, it is the number of video lines written on the screen every second (from left to right). The higher the horizontal scanning frequency, the better the resolution (i. e. , the higher the resolution and/or the higher the refresh rate). RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE I INF File INF file (Information File) Information (INF) files store information in a specific format. The set-up functions retrieve information from the INF file to use when performing installation operations. Examples of the type of information stored in an INF file include INI and registry changes, file names, and locations of the source files on source media. Interlaced/non-interlaced Interlaced. The method of writing a picture on the screen by initially writing all even lines and subsequently writing all odd lines of the picture. Result: The complete picture is composed of two interlaced half pictures (or fields). With interlacing, a vertical (or field) frequency of 50 Hz means a picture (or frame) frequency of 25 Hz. The method of writing a picture on the screen by successive video lines of the picture so that a full frame is written onto the screen in one vertical sweep of the beams. With a non-interlaced display, a vertical frequency of 50 Hz means a picture (or frame) frequency of 50 Hz. Thus, a monitor with a large electron spot covering several triads can exhibit poor resolution even though its dot pitch is small. Pixel frequency The number of pixels that can be written in a video line per second. Pixel rate See pixel frequency Plug-and-Play See DDC. RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE file:///D|/rita/LF2/LF2/LFa1/multi_manual/english/GLOSSARY/GLOSSARY. HTM (10 of 18) [8/29/2001 3:03:55 PM] Glossary R Raster The area on screen that electron beam can reach. Refresh rate See Vertical scanning frequency. Resolution The number of pixels that can be displayed on the screen. The resolution is specified as the number of pixels in a line multiplied by the number of horizontal lines. See also video graphic adapter. Rotation function The feature that allows users to adjust the whole screen rotating to be horizontal. Because of the magnetic field of earth, the screen of monitor will be tilt when the screen faces toward the different direction. RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE S Screen coatings file:///D|/rita/LF2/LF2/LFa1/multi_manual/english/GLOSSARY/GLOSSARY. HTM (11 of 18) [8/29/2001 3:03:55 PM] Glossary Anti-Static coatings Due to bombardment by beam electrons, monitor screens become electrically charged when in use. Electrically charged screens surfaces can attract dust particles. An Anti-Static coating is a conductive coating deposited on the screen (or on a glass panel immediately in front of the screen) that conducts away the charge and prevents screen dust build-up. AGAS (Anti-Glare, Anti-Static) coating AGAS is a silica coating applied to the surface of the screen by a spinning and spraying process. It operates by diffusing reflected light to blur images of light sources on the screen. To provide anti-static properties, the coating is impregnated with small conductive particles. [. . . ] Warranty service is available in all countries where the product is officially distributed by Philips Consumer Electronics. In countries where Philips Consumer Electronics does not distribute the product, the local Philips service organization will attempt to provide service (although there may be a delay if the appropriate spare parts and technical manual(s) are not readily available). Where CAN I GET MORE INFORMATION?For more information, contact the Philips Customer Care Center by calling (877) 835-1838 (U. S. A. Please check your owner's manual before requesting service. [. . . ]


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