Manual do usuário AEG-ELECTROLUX ER1523T

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Resumo do manual: guia do usuário AEG-ELECTROLUX ER1523T

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[. . . ] Estas advertencias han sido redactadas para su seguridad y para la seguridad de los dems. Le rogamos, por lo tanto, leerlas atentamente antes de instalar y utilizar el aparato. Seguridad ¥ Desenchufar el aparato antes de efectuar cualquier operaci--n de limpieza y mantenimiento (como la sustituci--n de la bombilla de iluminaci--n en los aparatos que la poseen). Este aparato ha sido proyectado para ser usado por adultos. Por lo tanto, tener cuidado que los ni­os no se acerquen para jugar con Zl. [. . . ] Once defrosted, food deteriorates rapidly and cannot be refrozen. Do not exceed the storage period indicated by the food manufacturer. D023 Hints for freezing To help you make the most of the freezing process, here are some important hints: Abrir la puerta y adosar el aparato contra el lado del mueble al lado opuesto a la bisagra de la puerta. Fijar el aparato con los 4 tornillos en dotaci--n. Colocar la parrilla de aireaci--n (C) encajndola a presi--n y engornar la tapa (D) en posici--n. D ¥ ¥ the maximum quantity of food which can be frozen in 24 hrs. is shown on the rating plate; the freezing process takes 24 hours. No further food to be frozen should be added during this period; only freeze top quality, fresh and thoroughly cleaned, foodstuffs; prepare food in small portions to enable it to be rapidly and completely frozen and to make it possible subsequently to thaw only the quantity required; wrap up the food in aluminium foil or polythene and make sure that the packages are airtight; do not allow fresh, unfrozen food to touch food which is already frozen, thus avoiding a rise in temperature of the latter; lean foods store better and longer than fatty ones; salt reduces the storage life of food; water ices, if consumed immediately after removal from the freezer compartment, can possibly cause the skin to be freeze burnt; it is advisable to show the freezing-in date on each individual pack to enable you to keep tab of the storage time; ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ C ¥ Colocar a presi--n el cubrejuntas entre el aparato y el mueble. ¥ D723 ¥ ¥ D724 ¥ 12 33 USE OF THE REFRIGERATOR Important If the ambient temperature is high or the appliance is fully loaded, and the appliance is set to the lowest temperatures, it may run continuously causing frost to form on the rear wall. In this case the dial must be set to a higher temperature to allow automatic defrosting and therefore reduced energy consumption. Operation To start the appliance, turn the thermostat knob, located inside the compartment, to the required position. This thermostat has six operating positions and an Ç0È (Stop) position. To stop the appliance, turn the thermostat knob to the ÇOÈ position. If the freezer has already been working for some time, turn the respective knob to the thermostat knob with respect to the ÇSÈ position at least 24 hours before introducing the food into the freezer in order to ensure better freezing results. Under normal circumstances, to freeze fresh foods it is not necessary to change the setting of the thermostat knob with respect to the normal running position. PR168 Introducir la tapa (D), presionndola hasta o'r el resorte, en la gu'a (B). B D PR167/1 Important Do not put carbonated liquids (fizzy drinks, etc. ) in the freezing compartment as they may burst. Water ices, if consumed immediately after removal from the freezing compartment, can possibly cause the skin to be freeze burnt. Remember that, once thawed, frozen food deteriorates rapidly. El aparato est provisto de dos escuadras (E) para fijarlo lateralmente al mueble; para su aplicaci--n ver les indicaciones de la Fig. Storage of frozen food Terminada la operaci--n de reversibilidad de la puerta, controlar que la empaquetadura magnZtica estZ adherida al mueble. Si la temperatura ambiente es fr'a (por ejemplo en invierno), puede suceder que la empaquetadura no adhiera perfectamente al mueble. En este caso esperar que la empaquetadura se recobre en forma natural o bien acelerar dicho proceso calentando la parte interesada con un normal secador de cabellos. 14 E D735 E When first starting-up or after a period out of use, before putting the products in the compartment let the appliance run for at least two hours on the coldest setting, then turn the thermostat knob to the normal operating position. To obtain the best performance from this appliance, you should: if large quantities of food are to be stored, remove all drawers and baskets from appliance and place food on cooling shelves. Pay careful attention not to exceed load limit stated on the side of the upper section (where applicable) 31 USE Control panel 21 ADVERTæNCIAS E CONSELHOS IMPORTANTES SN ON SUPER ALARM O muito importante que este manual de utiliza·<o acompanhe o aparelho para garantir uma futura utiliza·<o correcta. Se o aparelho for vendido ou emprestado a uma outra pessoa, o manual de utiliza·<o deve, como acima se faz notar, acompanh-lo, de maneira que o utilizador possa ser informado do seu funcionamento, das advert·ncias e conselhos. Se este aparelho, munido de fecho magnZtico, veio substituir um outro que tinha portas com fecho de mola, aconselhamos a inutilizar este fecho, antes do aparelho ser posto definitivamente de lado. [. . . ] A pot·ncia est^ indicada no difusor. 5. Desaparafuse o parafuse inferior e retire o espa·ador, voltando a mont-los na parte oposta. ¥ D411 Remo·<o de gelo Instru·>es para encastrar Altura Profundidade Largura 1780 mm 550 mm 560 mm min. 200 cm 2 Para um arejamento --ptimo do aparelho Z obrigat--rio executar uma abertura, na base onde o aparelho assenta. (der Fig. ) D567 O gelo do refrigerador elimina-se automticamente a cada paragem do compressor. [. . . ]


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