Manual do usuário ASUS A7S8X-MX
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[. . . ] Motherboard
E1766 First Edition V1 September 2004
Copyright © 2004 ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this manual, including the products and software described in it, may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means, except documentation kept by the purchaser for backup purposes, without the express written permission of ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. (“ASUS”).
Product warranty or service will not be extended if: (1) the product is repaired, modified or altered, unless such repair, modification of alteration is authorized in writing by ASUS; or (2) the serial number of the product is defaced or missing. ASUS PROVIDES THIS MANUAL “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. [. . . ] Refer to the connector description below for details.
System power LED (Green 2-pin PLED) This 2-pin connector is for the system power LED. Connect the chassis power LED cable to this connector. The system power LED lights up when you turn on the system power, and blinks when the system is in sleep mode. Hard disk drive activity (Red 2-pin HDLED) This 2-pin connector is for the HDD Activity LED. Connect the HDD Activity LED cable to this connector. The IDE LED lights up or flashes when data is read from or written to the HDD. Power/Soft-off button (Black 2-pin PWRBTN) This connector is for the system power button. Pressing the power button turns the system ON or puts the system in SLEEP or SOFT-OFF mode depending on the BIOS settings. Pressing the power switch for more than four seconds while the system is ON turns the system OFF. Reset button (Blue 2-pin RST) This 2-pin connector is for the chassis-mounted reset button for system reboot without turning off the system power.
Chapter 1: Product introduction
This chapter tells how to change the system settings through the BIOS Setup menus. Detailed descriptions of the BIOS parameters are also provided.
BIOS setup
2. 1
Managing and updating your BIOS
The following utilities allow you to manage and update the motherboard Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) setup. A w a r d B I O S F l a s h U t i l i t y (Updates the BIOS using a floppy disk during POST. ) A S U S E Z F l a s h (Updates the BIOS using a floppy disk during POST. ) A S U S C r a s h F r e e B I O S U t i l i t y (Updates the BIOS using a bootable floppy disk when the BIOS gets corrupted. ) A S U S U p d a t e (Updates the BIOS in Windows® environment. )
Refer to the corresponding section for details on these utilities.
Important notes
• Save a copy of the o r i g i n a l m o t h e r b o a r d B I O S f i l e to a b o o t a b l e f l o p p y d i s k in case you need to restore the BIOS in the future. Copy the original motherboard BIOS using the ASUS Update or AFLASH utilities. Visit the ASUS website and download the latest BIOS file for this motherboard using the ASUS Update utility.
2. 1. 1
Creating a bootable floppy disk
Do either one of the following to create a bootable floppy disk.
DOS environment
a. Insert a 1. 44 MB floppy disk into the drive. At the DOS prompt, type format A:/S then press <Enter>.
Windows® XP environment
a. Insert a 1. 44 MB floppy disk to the floppy disk drive. Click S t a r t from the Windows® desktop, then select M y Computer r. Click F i l e from the menu, then select F o r m a t A F o r m a t 3 1 / 2 F l o p p y D i s k window appears. Select C r e a t e a n M S - D O S s t a r t u p d i s k from the format options field, then click S t a r t t.
Chapter 2: BIOS setup
Windows® 2000 environment
To create a set of boot disks for Windows® 2000: a. Insert a formatted, high density 1. 44 MB floppy disk into the drive. Insert the Windows® 2000 CD to the optical drive. [. . . ] The RAM data containing the password information is powered by the onboard button cell battery. If you need to erase the CMOS RAM, refer to section “1. 9 Jumpers” for instructions.
Password Check [Setup]
This field requires you to enter the password before entering the BIOS setup or the system. Select [Setup] to require the password before entering the BIOS Setup. Select [System] to require the password before entering the system. [. . . ]
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