Manual do usuário CANON GP 605 BROCHURE

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Mode d'emploi CANON GP 605

Você também pode baixar os seguintes manuais relacionados com este produto:

   CANON GP 605 BROCHURE (750 ko)
   CANON GP 605 BROCHURE (4720 ko)

Resumo do manual: guia do usuário CANON GP 605BROCHURE

Instruções detalhadas para o uso estão no Guia do Usuário.

[. . . ] While built-in reliability and durability guarantees optimal uptime, maintaining company work cycles at maximum throughput. Optimum productivity A standard 2. 1 GB Image Server offers time-saving advantages, including Auto Image Orientation and Automatic Page Imposition for saddle stitch output. [. . . ] Canon reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Canon Inc. 30-2, Shimomaruko 3-Chome, Ohta-ku, Tokyo 146-8501, Japan Europe, Africa and Middle East Canon Europa N. V. Box 2262, 1180 EG Amstelveen, the Netherlands http://www. canon-europa. com English Edition ZCQ-060160P © Canon Europa N. V. , 1999 (1099) Printed in Switzerland by Weber Colour Printing Ltd. , Bienne GP 605P DIGITAL PRODUCTION PRINTING SOLUTIONS Form Output Management Reliance on pre-printed forms limits flexibility and leads to waste. Canon's digital printing system streamlines output of statements, invoices, stationery, purchase orders, delivery notes and all transaction and administrative material. At the same time, design, content and quality can be easily enhanced, to increase impact. Alongside automatic distribution and archiving of all material. Printing and Publishing Switch from costly offset to on-demand production printing for booklets, manuals, newsletters, training material, annual reports and all documentation that needs regular updating ­ with the convenience of just-in-time delivery to eliminate storage costs. Or benefit from cost-effective book publishing for untested or shortrun titles, without the usual problem of remaindered stock. Marketing and Direct Mail Create and print customized promotional material and personalized direct mail campaigns, utilizing all the advantages of digital printing technology. With media availability expanding to include on-line and fax promotions as well as conventional methods, digital printing tools and technology give a far more competitive edge. Especially when it comes to targeting business-to-business interests. Mission critical document distribution Distributing documents with mission critical information over multiple environments demands flexible output technology. This is equally important for complex industry operations, including printing of manifests, packing slips and bar code labels. The GP 605P also revolutionizes the reprographics market, making quality short run printing a cost-effective option, while reducing unnecessary waste. Integrating extensive, optional software solutions The application abilities of the GP 605P can be greatly enhanced by combining this professional printing system with our extensive range of optional, value-added software solutions. [. . . ] Whatever your specific requirements, consult Canon and let our IT advisors assess your company's situation. The added value of advantageous software alliances enables Canon to provide the best solutions for your business. [. . . ]


Lastmanuals oferece um serviço socialmente orientado de compartilhamento e pesquisa de manuais relacionados ao uso de hardwarfe e software: guias de usuário, manuais de proprietário, guias de início rápido, planilhas técnicas...
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