Manual do usuário CREST AUDIO V SERIES

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[. . . ] AMPLIFICADORES DE POTÊNCIA PROFISSIONAL -6 TourClass Ch A ® -10 -15 ACL Protect -3 -30 -80 0 dB -6 -10 -3 -1 Ch A -42 -30 -18 -7 0dB Active Ch B -15 ACL Protect -30 -1 -80 0 dB Professional Power Amplifier Ch B V1500 -6 TourClass Ch A ® -10 -15 ACL Protect -3 -30 -80 0 dB -6 -10 -3 -1 Ch A -42 -30 -18 -7 0dB Active Ch B -15 ACL Protect -30 -1 -80 0 dB Professional Power Amplifier Ch B V1100 -6 TourClass Ch A ® -10 -15 ACL Protect -3 -30 -80 0 dB -6 -10 -3 -1 Ch A -42 -30 -18 -7 0dB Active Ch B -15 ACL Protect -30 -1 -80 0 dB Professional Power Amplifier Ch B V900 -6 TourClass Ch A TM -10 -15 ACL Protect -3 -30 -80 0 dB -6 -10 -3 -1 Ch A -42 -30 -18 -7 0dB Active Ch B -15 ACL Protect -30 -1 -80 0 dB Professional Power Amplifier Ch B V650 -6 TourClass Ch A ® -10 -15 ACL Protect -3 -30 -80 0 dB -6 -10 -3 -1 Ch A -42 -30 -18 -7 0dB Active Ch B -15 ACL Protect -30 -1 -80 0 dB Professional Power Amplifier Ch B V450 MANUAL DO PROPRIETÁRIO Power Amplifiers This symbol is used to alert the operator to follow important operating procedures and precautions detailed in documentation. This symbol is used to warn operators that uninsulated "dangerous voltages" are present within the equipment enclosure that may pose a risk of electric shock. Important Precautions 7. Always operate the unit with the AC ground wire connected to the eletrical system ground. Precautions should be taken so that they means of equipment is not defeated. [. . . ] A chave configura o amplificador tanto para o modo Estéreo quanto o Mono em Ponte. Os amplificadores são configurados na fábrica para Modo Estéreo. Veja as páginas 5-7 para maiores informações. Conectores de Entrada "Régua Terminal com Parafuso" Balanceados. Para conexões com cabos descobertos ou com terminais crimp tipo garfo. Nota: Ao conectar uma entrada não balanceada ao terminal de entrada com parafuso, certifique-se de fazer um jumper do terminal negativo para o terminal terra. De outro modo, se produzirá uma queda de 6 dB no nível de sinal. Ver desenhos 5 e 6 para o diagrama de conexões com a régua. Aberturas de Saída do Ventilador. O ar quente sai do amplificador através das aberturas de saída do ventilador, localizadas nos lados do chassis do amplificador. Assegure-se de não bloquear essas aberturas, especialmente quando montar o amplificador em um rack. Amplificadores de Potência Crest Audio Séries V & Vs Pág. 4 Vistas Laterais: V450, Vs450, V650, Vs650, V900, Vs900 V1100, Vs1100, V1500, Vs1500 2. 25" 57mm 2. 25" 57mm 1. 375" 35mm 12. 06" / 306mm 1. 375" 35mm 14. 56" / 360mm 14 Operation Connecting Power / Circuit Size Requirements. V & Vs Series amplifier power requirements are rated at "idle", 1/8th power ("typical" music conditions), and maximum rated power. The maximum power current draw rating is limited only by the front panel circuit breaker. Consult the specifications at the end of this manual for the "typical" current that each amplifier will demand. Mains voltage must also be correct and the same as that printed on the rear of the amplifier. Damage caused by connecting the amplifier to improper AC voltage is not covered by any warranty. Note: Always turn off and disconnect the amplifier from mains voltage before making audio connections, and as an extra precaution, have the attenuators turned down during powerup. V & Vs Series amplifiers use a forced-air cooling system to maintain a low, even operating temperature. Drawn by a two-speed fan mounted behind the front panel, air enters through the front grill and courses through the cooling fins of the heat sink, which dissipates power transistor heat, before exiting through the side panel ports. Make sure that there is enough space around the front of the amplifier to allow air to enter, and around the sides of the amp to allow the heated air to exit. If the amp is rack-mounted, do not use doors or covers on the front of the rack; the exhaust air must flow without resistance. Funcionamento Conexão com Alimentação AC / Dimensões Requeridas do Circuito As exigências de potência dos amplificadores das Séries V e Vs são taxadas em "repouso", a 1/8 da potência (condições "típicas" de música) e a potência nominal máxima. A potência máxima da corrente só é limitada pelo disjuntor do painel frontal. [. . . ] THD+N (rated power at 4, 1kHz) <1. 0% SMPTE IMD (rated power at 8, 60Hz & 7kHz) <0. 1% Damping Factor (10-400Hz at 8) >700:1 Input CMRR (1 kHz) > - 64dB Input Sensitivity (rated power at 8) . 775V Voltage Gain X38. 6 Input Impedance (balanced/unbalanced) >20k/>10k Hum & Noise ("A" weighted, full power at 4) -105 dB Crosstalk ("A" weighted, full power at 4) > - 60 dB Class AB Input Connectors (per channel) TRS (tip +) & Barrier Strip Output Connectors (per channel) 5-way binding posts or Speakon (market dependent) Filter Storage 44, 000 µF Power Supply (factory configured) 100V-240V, 50-60Hz Idle Current Draw (120V) 1. 0A 1/8 Power Curr. Draw (typical music, 120V/4) 3. 5A 1/3 Power Curr. Draw (continuous music, 120V/4) 5. 2A Max Curr. Draw (circuit breaker rating, 120V/4) 8. 0A Thermal Emissions (1/8 Power, 4) 1300 BTU/hr Thermal Emissions (1/3 Power, 4) 1530 BTU/hr Cooling Front to Side, one 110 CFM, 2-Speed fan Controls Front panel: magnetic circuit Vs650 200 Watts 325 Watts 425 Watts 650 Watts 850 Watts 44. 5V 63V 10Hz-20kHz, -3dB @ 165kHz 20Hz-20kHz ACL, IGM, AutoRamp, short circuit, DC voltage, turn-on/off transient, current inrush, sub/ultrasonic input. [. . . ]


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