Manual do usuário DANE ELEC SO SMART
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[. . . ] Wifi 802. 11 MIMO or b/g
High Definition Multimedia Hard Disk Drive
User Guide
www. danedigital. com www. dane-elec. com
© 2007 Dane-Elec copyright
On your purchase of So Smart HDMI, Wifi Hi-Definition Multimedia Player and Welcome to the So Smart HDMI Family !The So Smart HDMI HD Multimedia Player is a portable player that allows vivid and crisp playback of dozens of multimedia files. You can now enjoy your favorite movies, home videos, digital music and digital photos on TV or Home-theater System. The S o Smart HDMI Player brings all digital content to your living room so that you can enjoy movies, music and photos with your near and dear ones. [. . . ] Wired 10/100 LAN connections are recommended for streaming of HD-video.
Chapter 5: Media Playback
5. 1 Video Playback
When the So Smart player boots up, a list of all recently-played video files is displayed on the main panel. The displayed list (icons) consists of the last SIX recently-played video files. Using the Remote, navigate to one of these files and press ENTER / SELECT. Playback will resume from the last PAUSED / STOPPED position of that file.
So Smart provides playback of video files residing on your PC (via network streaming), external storage device (via USB-Host) or local IDE-HDD (installed inside the So Smart player) If you select MOVIE from the left-side navigation column, a list of all available video files is displayed. If the device or folder does not appear or cannot be located, navigate to the left menu (see screen), select REFRESH and press ENTER / SELECT. If you want to navigate to the previous screen, folder or device, press the RETURN button on the Remote Control.
Once the video files are visible on the display screen (e. g. TV), navigate (using the Remote) to the desired file and press PLAY (Sequential playback) or ENTER/SELECT (play selected file only). You can sort (ascend/descend) your video files by NAME and TIME. (Some AVI files may not be playable due to incompatible codec. Please check the codec of your video file to verify that it is compatible with the So Smart player)
Chapter 5: Media Playback
During Video playback, Press VOLUME button on the Remote to display the video settings float box. Use UP/DOWN arrow keys to select Volume, Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Subtitle settings options, ENTER / SELECT to change settings.
Changing Volume
Modifying Brightness Settings
Modifying Display Contrast
Changing Saturation Settings
So Smart REMOTE TIPS: Press the INFO button to display video file info such as Video/Audio Format, File Size, Subtitle, Time etc. Press the GOTO button and enter the time to jump to a desired time-stamp of the video file. During Video playback, press the A-B button to mark a start-point (A) and end-point (B). This function assigns a loop/repeat video segment. Video between these two points will play indefinitely. While the list of video files is displayed on the main panel, use the LEFT or RIGHT arrow key or the FF / FR buttons on the Remote to search for a video file by name (max 32 characters).
Synchronizing Subtitle Playback
Chapter 5: Media Playback
Changing Subtitle Display Position
Choosing Subtitle Language
Choosing Subtitle File
INFO BUTTON: Display Basic File Information
GOTO BUTTON: Jump to desired time stamp.
Chapter 5: Media Playback
5. 2 Audio Playback
So smart provides playback of audio files residing on your PC (via network streaming), external storage device (via USB-Host) or local IDE-HDD (installed inside the So Smart player) A list of available devices is as depicted in this image. If the device or folder does not appear or cannot be located, navigate to the left menu (see screen), select REFRESH and press ENTER / SELECT. If you want to navigate to the previous screen, folder or device, press RETURN on the So Smart Remote Control.
If you press the AUDIO button on the So Smart remote, a list of all available audio files will be displayed. Once the audio files are visible on the display screen (e. g. TV), navigat e (using the Remote) to the desired file and press PLAY (Sequential playback) or ENTER/SELECT (play selected file only). For example if you have 10 files in a folder, navigate to the first file and press PLAY. All files from File1 through File10 are played sequentially. [. . . ] SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.
Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, rental or digital transmission of copyrighted video and audio files. (Title 17, United States Code, Sections 501 and 506). So Smart players are designed to assist you in backing up, storing and reproducing material which you own the copyright for or for which you have obtained permission from the copyright owner. UNLESS YOU OWN THE COPYRIGHT OR HOLD PERMISSION TO COPY FROM THE COPYRIGHT OWNER, YOU MAY BE VIOLATING COPYRIGHT LAW AND BE SUBJECT TO PAYMENT OF DAMAGES AND OTHER REMEDIES. [. . . ]
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