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Model Setup Functions
Introduction to the Eclipse 7 System About this manual Eclipse 7 System Options: Flying Safety Airplane Frequencies Radio Installation Notes Notes on Servos Mounting Servo Throw Switch Harness Installation Receiver Notes Antenna Connectors Using The Aileron Extension Vibration and Waterproofing Charging the Eclipse 7 Ni-Cd Batteries Operating With A Trainer Cord Other Adjustments Adjustable length control sticks Stick lever tension adjustment Throttle ratchet change Changing the Eclipse 7 transmitter's mode Factory Service Repair Information (for U. s. & Canada only) Eclipse 7 Controls and Switch Assignments Mode I & II Transmitter Input Buttons Receiver - Servo Connection List Transmitter Displays & Messages Warning Displays Model Setup Functions MODL - Model Select COPY - Copy Model ACRO, HELI, GLID - Model Type Select Wing & Swashplate Type Selection Model Name Transmit Shift - SFT. N, SFT. P TIME -Timer Function Setup REST - Data Reset AIRCRAFT (ACRO) MENU FUNCTIONS Simple Transmitter Setup Aerobatic Airplane (ACRO) Eclipse 7 Aircraft Controls and Switch Assignments Airplane Model Function Descriptions EPA - End Point Adjust D/R - Dual Rates EXP - Exponential FLT. C - Flight Condition Menu STRM - Subtrim Settings REV - Servo Reversing T. CUT - Throttle Cut(Engine Shut off)Function 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 19 18 18 18 20 20 21 22 22 PMX1 to PMX5 - Programmable Mixes 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 22 LAND - Landing Function 23 FLPT - Flap Trim Function 23 E->F - Elevator Flap Mixing 23 A->R - Aileron Rudder Mixing 24 ELVN - Elevon Mixing 24 VTAL - V-Tail Mixing 25 FLPN - Flaperon Mixing 26 Aircraft Flight Trimming Chart 27 Glider (GLID) Menu Functions 28 Eclipse 7 Glider Controls 29 and Switch Assignments Competition Glider Quick Setup Instructions 30 Glider Model Function Descriptions 32 ADIF - Aileron Differential 32 VTAL - V-Tail Programming 33 E->F - Elevator Flap mixing 33 A->R - Aileron Rudder mixing 33 F->A - Flap Aileron mixing 33 F->E - Flap Elevator mixing 33 CROW - Crow mixing (airbrakes) 34 S. TM1, 2 - Speed Flap Trim offsets 1, 2 (4WNG only) 35 AIL. T - Aileron trim 35 A->F - Aileron Flap mixing (4WNG only) 35 DFL. T - Dual Flap Trim (4WNG only) 36 SAILPLANE TRIMMING CHART 37 Eclipse 7 Helicopter (HELI) Programming 39 Eclipse 7 Helicopter Controls and Switch Assignments 38 Helicopter Setup Instructions 39 Menu Descriptions - Helicopter 41 Flight Conditions 41 R->T - Rudder Throttle Mixing 42 GYRO - Gyro settings 42 HOLD - Throttle Hold 42 THCV - Throttle Curve 43 PTCV - Pitch Curve 43 RVMX - Revolution mixing 44 SWAH - Swashplate adjust (120', 180' only) 44 Hovering Throttle Adjustment Knob 45 Hovering Pitch Adjustment Knob 45 Helicopter Flight Trimming Chart 45 Adjusting Hovering Pitch and Hovering Throttle 45 GLOSSARY 46 ACRO Model Data Recording Sheet 46 GLID Model Data Recording Sheet 47 HELI Model Data Recording Sheet 47
Introduction to the Eclipse 7 System
Congratulations!You now own a Hitec Eclipse 7, an extremely versatile R/C system that may be effectively used by both beginning and master pilots. The transmitter may be programmed for airplanes, gliders, or helicopters, all with special mixing functions, so it can accommodate virtually any model configuration. [. . . ] To return to the initial 0% value, press the Active/Inhibit (Clear) key.
2. Press one of the Up Down Edit buttons repeatedly to select the ELVN window. To activate, press the Active/Inhibit (Clear) key. The letters "INH" will turn to "On. " 4. Press the Cursor Right key once, to get to the elevator travel setting menu. A small arrow is displayed over the numeral 2 represents elevator master channel, and the percent indicator will blink on and off. The little arrow below the 2 indicates left elevon is being set. Move the elevator stick all the way to the back (full up position): both elevons should move upwards like elevators. If the left (CH2) elevon moves down, change its travel direction by pressing the Active/Inhibit (Clear) key to get 0% quickly, then pressing the Data -Decrease key until you reach -50%. If the right (CH1) elevon moves down with up elevator stick, change its travel direction by pressing the Cursor Right key (the little arrow moves under the 1), then press the Data -Decrease key until you reach -50%. Now you'll input the amount of aileron stick response on the right(CH1) elevon by pressing the Cursor Right key once. Now the little arrows move both over and under the 1, and you may adjust the amount of right elevon travel with the Data +Increase and -Decrease keys. As before, change the sign and use -50% if it travels the wrong way with aileron stick. Now you'll input the amount of aileron stick response on the left (CH2) elevon by pressing the Cursor Right key once. Now the little arrow moves under the 2, and you may adjust the amount of left elevon travel with the Data +Increase and -Decrease keys. Change the sign if travel needs to be reversed.
motion has occurred. Therefore, you should keep the travel settings at 50% or below and adjust the control linkages to get the travel you desire. Note that you can not have both V-tail and elevon mixing active at the same time.
Up Elevator
Left Rudder (view from rear)
Setting up V-Tail mixing 1. The right ruddervator should be plugged into CH2, and the left ruddervator should be plugged into CH4. Press one of the Up Down Edit buttons repeatedly to select the VTAL window. Press the Active/Inhibit (Clear) key to activate the V-tail function. Press the Cursor Right key once, to get to the elevator setting menu. [. . . ] (22) Pitch curve function (43)
Model Name ___ ___ ___ ___ -__ __ __
MENU FUNCTION REV Servo Rev (circle) EPA End Point Adj. R/D L/U SBTR Subtrims Value D/R NOR Up Down D/R ST1 Up Down D/R ST2 Up Down D/R ST3 Up Down EXP NOR Up Down EXP ST1 Up Down EXP ST2 Up Down EXP ST3 Up Down PMX1 Programmable Mixer 1 PMX2 Programmable Mixer 2 PMX3 Programmable Mixer 3 PMX4 Programmable Mixer 4 PMX5 Programmable Mixer 5 ADIF Aileron Differential VTAL V-tail Mixing E->F Elevator Flap Mixing A->R Ail Rud Mixing F->A Flap Ail Mixing F->E Flap Elevator Mixing CROW Crow Mixing S. TM1 Set of Trims 1 S. TM2 Set of Trims 2 AIL. T Ail Trim A->F Ail-Flap Mixing DFL. T Dual Flap Trim CH 1 N. R % % % % % % % % % % % CH 2 N. R % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ON . INH ON-INH ON-INH ON-INH ON-INH ON-INH ON-INH ON-INH ON-INH ON-INH ON-INH
GLID Model Data Recording Sheet Make copies before using
CH 4 CH 5 N. R N. R % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % MAS CH ___ SLV CH ___ R/D + . 1-1 R ___% 1-1 L ___% 1-5 R ___% 1-5 L ___% CH2 + - ____% CH6 + . [. . . ]
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