Manual do usuário HP DESKJET 1050 GUIA DE INSTALAÇÃO

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Resumo do manual: guia do usuário HP DESKJET 1050GUIA DE INSTALAÇÃO

Instruções detalhadas para o uso estão no Guia do Usuário.

[. . . ] Vuelve a la pantalla anterior de la impresora. Devuelve los ajustes de copia a los valores predeterminados. Formatos rápidos: Muestra el menú Formatos rápidos en la pantalla de la impresora. Use los botones de selección para elegir el formato que desea imprimir. [. . . ] All other product information can be found in the electronic Help and Readme. The electronic Help is automatically installed during printer software installation. Electronic Help includes instructions on product features and troubleshooting. It also provides product specifications, legal notices, environmental, regulatory, and support information. The Readme file contains HP support contact information, operating system requirements, and the most recent updates to your product information. For computers without a CD/DVD drive, please go to www. hp. com/support to download and install the printer software. Install electronic Help To install the electronic Help, insert the software CD in your computer and follow the on-screen instructions. If you have installed the software as a web download, the electronic Help is already installed along with the software. Windows: English Find electronic Help After software installation, click Start > All Programs > HP > HP Deskjet 3050 J610 series > Help. Mac: Find electronic Help Mac OS X v10. 5 and v10. 6: From Help, choose Mac Help. In the Help Viewer, click and hold the Home button, and then choose the Help for your device. Find Readme Insert software CD. Click ReadMe. chm to open and then select ReadMe in your language. Find Readme Insert the software CD, and then double-click the Read Me folder located at the top-level of the software CD. Register your HP Deskjet Get quicker service and support alerts by registering at http://www. register. hp. com. Ink usage Note: Ink from the cartridges is used in the printing process in a number of different ways, including in the initialization process, which prepares the device and cartridges for printing, and in printhead servicing, which keeps print nozzles clear and ink flowing smoothly. In addition, some residual ink is left in the cartridge after it is used. For more information see www. hp. com/go/inkusage. Power specifications: Power adapter: 0957-2286 Input voltage: 100-240Vac (+/- 10%) Input frequency: 50/60Hz (+/- 3Hz) Note: Use only with the power adapter supplied by HP. Power adapter: 0957-2290 Input voltage: 200-240Vac (+/- 10%) Input frequency: 50/60Hz (+/- 3Hz) 12 Installation troubleshooting Windows: If you are unable to print a test page: · If your printer is connected directly to your computer with a USB cable, make sure the cable connections are secure. If the printer in not connected, you will see Not Connected on the printer display. From the printer display, select Print Reports to print the network test page and the network information page. English 2: If you determined in Step 1 that the product is not connected to a network and this is the first time you are installing the product, you will need to follow the on-screen instructions during software installation to connect the product to the network. To connect the product to a network 1. Insert the product Software CD in the computer CD/DVD drive. Follow the instructions on the computer screen. On the Connection Choice screen, choose Network. Then when prompted, temporarily connect a USB cable between your network connected computer and printer to establish a connection. If the connection fails, follow the prompts to correct the problem, and then try again. When the setup is finished, you will be prompted to disconnect the USB cable and test the wireless network connection. Once the product connects successfully to the network, install the software on each computer that will use the product over the network. If the device is unable to join your network, check for these common issues: · You might have picked the wrong network or typed in your network name (SSID) incorrectly. Check and make sure that you enter the same SSID as the computer is using. · You might have typed in your wireless password (WPA passphrase or WEP key) incorrectly (if you are using encryption). [. . . ] Verifique se o computador está conectado à mesma rede a que o HP Deskjet está conectado. Caso a conexão seja sem fio, por exemplo, é possível que o seu computador esteja conectado à rede de um vizinho por engano. · O computador pode estar conectado a uma Virtual Private Network (VPN). Desative temporariamente a VPN antes de continuar com a instalação. [. . . ]


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