Manual do usuário JVC GR-DVP3

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Resumo do manual: guia do usuário JVC GR-DVP3

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[. . . ] ENGLISH CONTENTS AUTOMATIC DEMONSTRATION GETTING STARTED 8 9 ­ 18 DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA VIDEO RECORDING & PLAYBACK 19 ­ 26 VIDEO RECORDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ­ 22 VIDEO PLAYBACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 ­ 26 GR-DVP3 GR-DVP1 Please visit our Homepage on the World Wide Web and answer our Consumer Survey (in English only): http://www. jvc-victor. co. jp/english/index-e. html DIGITAL STILL CAMERA (D. S. C. ) RECORDING & PLAYBACK 27 ­ 38 D. S. C. 30 ­ 38 ADVANCED FEATURES 39 ­ 75 USING MENUS FOR DETAILED ADJUSTMENT . . . . . . [. . . ] · You can also use the PC card adapter CU-VPSD60U or CU-V50U or floppy adapter CU-VFSD50U or CUVFM40U to transfer sound data from a PC to the memory card. CU-V50U and CU-VFM40U: Available only for MultiMediaCard CU-VPSD60U and CU-VFSD50U: Available for MultiMediaCard and SD Memory Card EN57 SOUND EFFECT RECORDING 6 Press D. SOUND during recording. The " " moves and the selected sound effect is recorded onto the tape. ·The sound effect cannot be heard from the speaker during recording. Use a headphone set to hear the sound effect. To cancel recording the sound effect midway . The camcorder stops recording the sound effect. NOTES: Sound effects can also be used for Audio Dubbing ( pg. Sound effects can also be selected during D. S. C. Sound effect recording is available only when the sound effect indication is displayed. Sound effects created on a PC can be transferred to a memory card by copying them into the memory card's sound folder with the specified file name. For details, refer to the instruction manual of the provided software. However, some sound (effects) created on a PC cannot be played back with this camcorder. D. SOUND Button 58 EN DUBBING Dubbing To A VCR 1 2 To AV OUT To S-VIDEO OUT Docking Station Following the illustration, connect the camcorder and the VCR. Set the VIDEO/MEMORY Switch to "VIDEO", then set the camcorder's Power Switch to " " while pressing down the Lock Button located on the switch, turn on the VCR's power, and insert the appropriate cassettes in the camcorder and the VCR. Engage the VCR's AUX and Record-Pause modes. Engage the camcorder's Play mode to find a spot just before the edit-in point. Once it is reached, press 4/6 on the camcorder. Press 4/6 on the camcorder and engage the VCR's Record mode. Engage the VCR's Record-Pause mode and press 4/6 on the camcorder. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for additional editing, then stop the VCR and camcorder when finished. 3 4 5 6 7 S-Video cable (optional) Audio/Video cable [mini-plug to RCA plug] (provided) To AUDIO, VIDEO* -IN connectors and "Y/C"/"CVBS" video out select switch Cable Adapter (provided) If your VCR has a SCART connector, use the provided cable adapter. VCR TV * Connect when an S-Video cable is not used. NOTES: It is recommended to use the AC Power Adapter/ Charger as the power supply instead of the battery pack ( pg. As the camcorder starts to play your footage it will appear on your TV. This will confirm the connections and the AUX channel for dubbing purposes. Before you start dubbing, make sure that the indications do not appear on the connected TV. If they do, they are being recorded onto the new tape. [. . . ] 49 Slow-Motion Playback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Slow Shutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Snapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 52 Snapshot Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ]


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