Manual do usuário LG L1811B

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Resumo do manual: guia do usuário LG L1811B

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[. . . ] Do not use alcohol or ammonia-based liquid to clean the monitor. If necessary, clean with a slightly damp cloth. Disconnect the monitor from the power supply before cleaning. Consult a service technician if the monitor does not operate normally when operating instructions of this manual are followed. RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE file:///D|/rita/LF2/LF2/LFa1/multi_manual/english/201P/SAFETY/SAFETY. HTM [8/29/2001 3:14:00 PM] About This Electronic User's Manual About This Electronic User's Manual About This Guide · Other Documents You May Need · Notational Descriptions About This Guide This electronic user's guide is intended for anyone who uses the Philips Color Monitor. It describes the monitor's features, setup, operation and all other information, which is the same exact information described in our printed version. [. . . ] The controller provides the interface registers to allow communication to/from the host. Hub specific status and control commands permit the host to configure a hub and to monitor and control its ports. Device A logical or physical entity that performs a function. The actual entity described depends on the context of the reference. At the lowest level, device may refer to a single hardware component, as in a memory device. At a higher level, it may refer to a collection of hardware components that perform a particular function, such as a Universal Serial Bus interface device. At an even higher level, device may refer to the function performed by an entity attached to the Universal Serial Bus; for example, a data/FAX modem device. Devices may be physical, electrical, addressable, and logical. Downstream The direction of data flow from the host or away from the host. A downstream port is the port on a hub electrically farthest from the host that generates downstream data traffic from the hub. Downstream ports receive upstream data traffic. Upstream The direction of data flow towards the host. Before calling for help, try these suggestions. Having this problem? q Check these items Make sure the Power cable is plugged into the power outlet and back of the monitor. Power button on top of the monitor should be in the ON position. Disconnect the monitor from the power outlet for about one minute. Make sure the monitor cable is properly connected to your computer. Check to see if the monitor cable has bent pins. The Energy Saving feature may be activated Make sure the Brightness and Contrast controls are set correctly. Make sure the monitor cable is properly connected to your computer. Check to see if the monitor cable has bent pins. Make sure the computer Power button is on. Make sure the monitor cable is properly connected to your computer. Check to see if the monitor cable has bent pins. [. . . ] Warranty service is available in all countries where the product is officially distributed by Philips Consumer Electronics. In countries where Philips Consumer Electronics does not distribute the product, the local Philips service organization will attempt to provide service (although there may be a delay if the appropriate spare parts and technical manual(s) are not readily available). Where CAN I GET MORE INFORMATION?For more information, contact the Philips Customer Care Center by calling (877) 835-1838 (U. S. A. Please check your owner's manual before requesting service. [. . . ]


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