Manual do usuário PHILIPS 241E1SB

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[. . . ] e-Manual Philips LCD Monitor Electronic User?s Manual file:///D|/cd manual/philips/Q70G900281312A 20090613/Q70G900281312A 20090611/lcd/manual/ENGLISH/241E1/INDEX. HTM7/10/2009 11:20:15 AM Safety and Troubleshooting Information ?Regulatory Information Safety and Troubleshooting Information Safety precautions and maintenance WARNING: Use of controls, adjustments or procedures other than those specified in this documentation may result in exposure to shock, electrical hazards and/or mechanical hazards. Read and follow these instructions when connecting and using your computer monitor: Operation: ?? ? ? ? Keep the monitor out of direct sunlight and away from stoves or any other heat source. Remove any object that could fall into ventilation holes or prevent proper cooling of the monitor?s electronics. [. . . ] That is, a dark dot is a sub-pixel that stands out on the screen when the monitor displays a light pattern. These are the types of black dot defects: One dark sub pixel Two or three adjacent dark sub pixels Proximity of Pixel Defects Because pixel and sub pixels defects of the same type that are near to one another may be more noticeable, Philips also specifies tolerances for the proximity of pixel defects. file:///D|/cd manual/philips/Q70G900281312A 20090613/Q70G900281312A 20090611/lcd/manual/ENGLISH/241E1/product/pixel. htm??2?4 ??7/10/2009 11:21:22 AM Philips Pixel Defect Policy Pixel Defect Tolerances In order to qualify for repair or replacement due to pixel defects during the warranty period, a TFT LCD panel in a Philips flat panel monitor must have pixel or sub pixel defects exceeding the tolerances listed in the following tables. BRIGHT DOT DEFECTS MODEL 1 lit subpixel 2 adjacent lit subpixels 3 adjacent lit subpixels (one white pixel) Distance between two bright dot defects* Total bright dot defects of all types ACCEPTABLE LEVEL 241E1 3 1 0 >15mm 3 BLACK DOT DEFECTS MODEL 1 dark subpixel 2 adjacent dark subpixels 3 adjacent dark subpixels Distance between two black dot defects* Total black dot defects of all types ACCEPTABLE LEVEL 241E1 5 or fewer 2 or fewer 0 >15mm 5 or fewer TOTAL DOT DEFECTS MODEL Total bright or black dot defects of all types ACCEPTABLE LEVEL 241E1 5 or fewer file:///D|/cd manual/philips/Q70G900281312A 20090613/Q70G900281312A 20090611/lcd/manual/ENGLISH/241E1/product/pixel. htm??3?4 ??7/10/2009 11:21:22 AM Philips Pixel Defect Policy Note: * 1 or 2 adjacent sub pixel defects = 1 dot defect RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE file:///D|/cd manual/philips/Q70G900281312A 20090613/Q70G900281312A 20090611/lcd/manual/ENGLISH/241E1/product/pixel. htm??4?4 ??7/10/2009 11:21:22 AM SmartControl SmartControl II (Selective Models) ?Q&A Philips SmartControl II SmartControl II is monitor-based software with an easy-to-use on-screen graphic interface that guides you through finetuning resolution, color calibration and other display settings including brightness, contrast, clock & phase, position, RGB, white point and - on models with onboard speakers - volume adjustments. System support and requirement: 1. Sytem support: 2000, XP, NT 4. 0, XP 64 Edition, Vista 32/64. Language support: English, Simplified Chinese, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Portuguese. Philips Monitor support DDC/CI Interface. Installation: file:///D|/cd manual/philips/Q70G900281312A 20090613/Q70G900281312A 20090611/lcd/manual/ENGLISH/241E1/product/SMART. HTM??1?17 ??7/10/2009 11:21:28 AM SmartControl ?? Follow the instruction and complete the installation. You can lauch after installation complete. If you want to launch later, you can either click the shortcut on desktop or toolbar. Start to use: 1. ? The first time after installation of SmartControl II, it will automatically go to Wizard for first time launch. The wizard will guide you through adjustment your monitor performance step by step. You can go to Plug-in menu to launch wizard later on as well. You can adjust more options without wizard by Standard pane. Wizard Analog Sequence Resolution Focus Brightness Contrast Position White Point (Color Temp) File Wizard Digital Sequence Resolution Contrast Brightness White Point (Color Temp) File - 2. Start with Standard pane: Adjust menu: file:///D|/cd manual/philips/Q70G900281312A 20090613/Q70G900281312A 20090611/lcd/manual/ENGLISH/241E1/product/SMART. HTM??2?17 ??7/10/2009 11:21:28 AM SmartControl ?? Adjust Menu allow you to adjust Brightness, Contrast, Focus, Position and Resolution. You can follow the instruction and do the adjustment. [. . . ] 7?9 ??7/10/2009 11:22:59 AM Consumer Information Centers 4th Level Cyberzone, Annex Bldg. SM City North EDSA, Quezon City 441-1610 MDR Microware Sales Inc. Escario corner Clavano St. , Cebu City Phils. # 255-4415/ 255-3242/253-9361/4124864 to 67 Sun # 0922-8210045 to 46 Davao Office: C. [. . . ]


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