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Resumo do manual: guia do usuário PIONEER GEX-P5750TVPINSTALLATION
Instruções detalhadas para o uso estão no Guia do Usuário.
[. . . ] When mounting on a hatchback window, use clamps where necessary to assure the cable is not stretched or does not cause an obstruction when the hatch is opened or closed.
1. Remove the protective paper and stick on. Antenna element
4. 10
This product conforms to new cord colors. [. . . ] Yellow To terminal always supplied with power regardless of ignition switch position. Red (Connect this lead only when this unit is used as STAND ALONE mode. ) To electric terminal controlled by ignition switch (12 V DC) ON/OFF. Black (ground) To vehicle (metal) body
9. Clamp firmly with needle-nosed pliers.
Fig. To rear out (REAR OUT)
6. Display unit with RCA input jack (sold separately) 9. Note: The position of the parking brake switch depends on the vehicle model. For details, consult the vehicle Owner's Manual or dealer. Light green Used to detect the ON/OFF status of the parking brake. This lead must be connected to the power supply side of the parking brake switch.
12. Use AV-BUS cable (50 cm ) if necessary.
Connecting the Units
3. TV antenna inputs Connect from 1 in order. This unit This unit is for vehicles with a 12-volt battery and negative grounding. Before installing it in a recreational vehicle, truck, or bus, check the battery voltage. To avoid shorts in the electrical system, be sure to disconnect the battery cable before beginning installation. Refer to the owner's manual for details on connecting the other units, then make connections correctly. Secure the wiring with cable clamps or adhesive tape. To protect the wiring, wrap adhesive tape around them where they lie against metal parts. Route and secure all wiring so it cannot touch any moving parts, such as the gear shift, handbrake and seat rails. Do not route wiring in places that get hot, such as near the heater outlet. If the insulation of the wiring melts or gets torn, there is a danger of the wiring short-circuiting to the vehicle body. Don't pass the yellow lead through a hole into the engine compartment to connect to the battery. [. . . ] Negro (masa) A la carrocera del vehculo (parte metlica). Apriete firmemente con alicates de punta de aguja. 10. Nota: La posicin del freno de estacionamiento depende del modelo del vehculo. Para cono-
Conexo do cabo de alimentao (Fig. [. . . ]
Lastmanuals oferece um serviço socialmente orientado de compartilhamento e pesquisa de manuais relacionados ao uso de hardwarfe e software: guias de usuário, manuais de proprietário, guias de início rápido, planilhas técnicas... De modo algum a Lastmanuals pode ser resposabilizada se o documento que você estiver procurando estiver indisponível, incompleto, num idioma diferente do seu ou se o modelo ou língua não coincidem com a descrição. Lastmanuals, por exemplo, não oferece um serviço de tradução.
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