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Resumo do manual: guia do usuário REX FMT990XE
Instruções detalhadas para o uso estão no Guia do Usuário.
[. . . ] The counting-up and counting-down speed increases when +/Fig. If a function button is just briefly touched and released, the selected function is displayed for 5 seconds. Within this time setting may be commenced. Five seconds after releasing the function button or after setting is completed, the display rever ts to time of day. [. . . ] Please refer to the following symbols for the oven functions: Oven off. Upper (outer ring only) and lower heating elements and lamp on. Upper (outer ring only) heating element and lamp on. Grill, turnspit and lamp on
Fan oven (rear element) Grill Static oven (upper and lower elements) Cooking fan motor Cooling fan motor Lamp (miniature Edison screw high temeprature 300 °C) total absorbed power Voltage (50 Hz single phase)
This product meets the requirements of E. E. C. "regarding Low Tension" -89/336 E. E. C. "regarding electromagnetic disturbances" -89/109 E. E. C. "regarding materials in contact with food"
Grill, cooking fan, turnspit and lamp on Upper (outer ring only) and lower heating elements, cooking fan and lamp on Rear heating element, fan and lamp on
User's instructions
INSTALLATIONS We recommend that installation, connection and preparation of the cabinet are carried out by a qualified technician accordingly with the instructions of this booklet and with the installation requirements or regulations in force in the user's Country. End of cooking timer
Fan and lamp on (defrost)
Fig. 2
TRADITIONAL BAKING Turn the functions knob to the symbol and then turn the thermostat knob (fig. Preheating of the oven is recommended until the thermostat indicator light switches off, to show the selected temperature has been reached in the center of the oven. This function is recommended for the foods needing highest cooking temperatures or in earthenware pots. When you want to cook your food heating it from bottom turn the function knob to the symbol and to the symbol when you want to heat the food from the top. With this cooking one tray only, centrally placed, has to be used. Wishing a more uniform warming of the oven turn the function knob to the symbol favourable also when using more than one tray. FORCED CONVECTION BAKING Turn the function knob (fig. 1) to the symbol , then turn the thermostat knob (fig. With this function more than on tray may be used at the same time because hot air is forced by the fan around the food and between the trays and also the temperature to be selected for cooking is 1015% lower than the corresponding value for traditional baking and the action of the hot air will do more uniformly dried and crust your food. When using one tray only the lower runner is suggested to be used in order to have easier check by the oven window without opening the door: in any case when you should open the door a safety device will switch off the fan and the heating element in order to save energy and avoid the whiff of air
HOW TO USE YOUR OVEN Several parts are protected with a special anti-scratch film. Before cooking in the first time we recommend that the oven should be operated at 200° C for 30 minutes to remove any manufacturing greases and odours. Do not place items or pan directly on to the oven bottom. Foil should only be used to cover food and not oven shelves or part of the oven. When used improperly will obstruct the air circulation causing problems in cooking and/or harmful
Fig. [. . . ] Les acides des fruits (par ex. : citron, prune, etc. . . )laissent sur la surface émaillée des tâches difficilement nettoyable, cet inconvenient peut compromettre le poli de l'émail, mais il ne compromet pas le fonctionnement du four. Nettoyer le four après son utilisation, de cette façon il sera possible d'éliminer plus facilement les résidus de la cuisson, évitant qu'ils brûlent pendant la successive utilisation du four. NETTOYAGE DU FOUR Si le four n'est pas équipé avec des panneaux auto-nettoyants, on conseille, après l'utilisation et lorsque le four est refroidi, de le nettoyer soigneusement avce de l'eau chaude et du détersif (ou avec des produits appropriés en commerce). Si le four a les panneaux auto-nettoyant, ceux-ci, à de normales température de cuisson, favoriseront la transformation des tâches de gras dans une légère poudre résidue qui, pour maintenir poreuse la surface des panneaux, lorsque le four est refroidi, doit être éliminée avec un'éponge humide. [. . . ]
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