Manual do usuário SHARP XE-A203
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SHARP XE-A203 (5473 ko)
Resumo do manual: guia do usuário SHARP XE-A203
Instruções detalhadas para o uso estão no Guia do Usuário.
[. . . ] If you want to print logo messages, please change the logo message print format. 24 digits) To program another line
* âHeader 3-line messageâ type: 1 to 3 âFooter 3-line messageâ type : 4 to 6 âHeader 6-line messageâ type: 1 to 6 âHeader 3-line and footer 3-line messageâ type: 1 to 6 (1 to 3 as header, 4 to 6 as footer) Logo print format (6 types)
Text 1st line Graphic logo Text 2nd line Text 3rd line Text 1st line Text 2nd line Text 3rd line Text 4th line Text 5th line Text 6th line Graphic logo Graphic logo Text 1st line Text 2nd line Text 3rd line Text 4th line Text 5th line Text 6th line Text 1st line Text 2nd line Text 3rd line
Text 4th line Text 5th line Text 6th line
Default setting
Header 3-line message
Footer 3-line message
Header 6-line message
Header 3-line message and footer 3-line messages
06. [. . . ] unit price is zero Subtotal printing for conversion of deficit Always enter 0. Compression printing on journals in PGM, OP X/Z, X1/Z1 and X2/Z2 modes Compression printing on journals in REG, MGR and VOID modes Logo message printing on journals Footer printing
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Total only Details* Disallow printing* Allow it Allow printing* Disallow it (Fixed position) Disallow compression printing (normal size) Allow compression printing (small size)* Disallow compression printing (normal size) Allow compression printing (small size)* Disallow logo message printing on journals* Allow logo message printing on journals Printing footer on all receipts* Printing footer with selected function key at the time of finalization
Compression printing ⢠This programming is valid only when journal printing is selected. To set â0â
s A
*A: Logo message type 0: Header 3-line message without graphic logo 1: Graphic logo only (default) 2: Footer 3-line message with graphic logo 3: Header 6-line message 4: Header 3-line message with graphic logo 5: Header 3-line message and footer 3-line message Key operation example Print
s 11 @ 0sA
06. This function is intended to record the journal data in memory instead of journal paper, and print the data as an EJ report. Printing journal data on the way of a transaction
You can print journal data of a current transaction recorded in EJ memory by pressing the R key during the transaction. this function is valid when the printing style is programmed to receipt , and the receipt ON/OFF function is set to OFF. ¢ Sample print
EJ report title
EJ report end title
Reading and resetting the electronic journal data (Issuing EJ report)
You can read the journal data stored in the EJ memory in journal format by performing the following procedure in the X1/Z1 or OP X/Z mode. ⢠Sample EJ report To read all of the data:
To reset all of the data:
@ A P @ A @ A
Header information print
To read the last 10 records:
⢠With EJ memory , a maximum of 2000 (or 3000 , if programmed) lines of data can be stored. When executing an all data reading, all of the data stored in the EJ memory will be printed. 23 3:16 PM
Page 62
1 What You Can Do with an SD Memory Card
You can exchange data through an SD memory card between your cash register and a PC when managing the data in your cash register by using the SHARPâs PC software âCustomer Support Tool. List of functions
All data backup: With this function you can save all the sales data and programming data in the cash register to an SD memory card for backup. ¢ 128-Mbyte to 512-Mbyte SD memory cards are available and the relationship between the memory card capacity and the maximum holding period of sales data which can be saved in an SD memory card is as follows: Memory card capacity 128MB 256MB 512MB Sales data holding period * 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year
*: This period refers to the time period during which sales data can be stored in an SD memory card when additionally written onto it once a day. [. . . ] Registros e impresión de números de código de no suma
Podrá introducir un número de código de no suma, como pueda ser un número de código de cliente o número de tarjeta de crédito, con un máximo de 16 dÃgitos, en cualquier momento durante el registro de una venta. 1 Programación de la fecha y de la hora
Para ajustar la fecha, introduzca la fecha con 8 dÃgitos empleando el formato de mes-dÃa-año (MM/DD/AAAA), y pulse entonces la tecla s. [. . . ]
AVISO LEGAL PARA BAIXAR O GUIA DE USUÁRIO SHARP XE-A203 Lastmanuals oferece um serviço socialmente orientado de compartilhamento e pesquisa de manuais relacionados ao uso de hardwarfe e software: guias de usuário, manuais de proprietário, guias de início rápido, planilhas técnicas... De modo algum a Lastmanuals pode ser resposabilizada se o documento que você estiver procurando estiver indisponível, incompleto, num idioma diferente do seu ou se o modelo ou língua não coincidem com a descrição. Lastmanuals, por exemplo, não oferece um serviço de tradução. Clique em "Baixar o manual do usuário" no final deste Contrato; se você aceitar estes termos, a descarga do manual SHARP XE-A203 começará.