Manual do usuário STANDARD HORIZON CP 160

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[. . . ] CP160/CP170C GPS Chartplotter Owner's Manual ZOOM IN ZOOM OUT ENTER CLEAR MENU GOTO MARK ROUTE PWR MOB Attenzione! L'esposizione del display ai raggi ultravioletti può accorciare la vita dei cristalli liquidi usati nel vostro plotter cartografico. Questo limite è dovuto alla tecnologia costruttiva degli attuali display. Evitare inoltre che il display si surriscaldi per non causare una diminuzione di contrasto che, in casi estremi, può rendere lo schermo completamente nero. Tale condizione è comunque reversibile durante il raffreddamento. Warning! Exposure of display to UV rays may shorten life of the liquid crystals used in your plotter. [. . . ] The default setting is Off. 'MENU' + "ADVANCED SETUP" + 'ENTER' + "ALARMS" + 'ENTER' + "DEPTH ALARM" Depth Area Limit Sets a reference depth value (in the range [0 - 30000]): the software fills all the bathymetric areas that have starting depth area lower than the reference value with grey. So, if the reference depth is 0, all areas are white, if it is 99. 999 all areas are gray. The default setting is 10 Mt. 'MENU' + "MAP SETUP" + 'ENTER' + "MARINE SETTINGS" + 'ENTER' + "DEPTH AREA LIMITS" + 'ENTER' To select the unit (Meters (Mt), Feet (Ft) or Fathom (FM)) see Depth (Unit). Depth Contours Imaginary lines connecting points of equal water depth (see also Bathymetric Lines). (NMEA) Depth Trend page 'MENU' + "NMEA DISPLAY" + 'ENTER' + "DEPTH TREND" + 'ENTER' or press any soft key + 'DEPTH' (if it is present) Shows the graph of the Depth received from the NMEA Port. Pressing 'ZOOM IN'/'ZOOM OUT' changes the time scale. Figure 8b - Depth Trend page Destination It is the point where the vessel heads. DGPS = Differential GPS Provides even greater positioning accuracy than standard GPS (see Part B of " Handbook"). Diff(erential) Corr(ection) Source Allows the selection of the Differential Correction signal source among None, WAAS and External RTCM. If the "NMEA2/RTCM INPUT" is set to NMEA the option External RTCM cannot be selected. The chartplotter shows a Warning message. The default setting is WAAS. 'MENU' + "ADVANCED SETUP" + 'ENTER' + "INPUT/OUTPUT" + 'ENTER' + "INTERNAL GPS SETUP" + 'ENTER' + "DIFF CORR SOURCE" + 'ENTER' Page 68 GPS Chart 160/170C (NMEA) Display 'MENU' + "NMEA DISPLAY" + 'ENTER' + "DISPLAY" + 'ENTER' or press any soft key + 'DISPLAY' (if it is present) It is possible to choose the page layout (the number of fields in the page) and the type of data shown in each of the fields in the page. If the selected type of data is not received the field shows dashes. Data selectable are: SOG, COG, DST, BRG, XTE, TTG, ALTITUDE, HDOP, VDOP, BOAT SPEED, HEADING, DEPTH, TRIP LOG, WATER TEMP, TRUE WIND SPEED, TRUE WIND DIRECTION, APPARENT WIND SPEED, APPARENT WIND DIRECTION. Figure 8c - NMEA DISPLAY Page DSC (Digital Selective Calling) Digital Selective Calling is a semi-automated method of establishing a radio call, it has been designed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as an international standard for establishing VHF, MF and HF radio calls. It had also been designated part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). It is planed that DSC will eventually replace aural watches on distress frequencies and will be used to announce routine and urgent maritime safety information broadcasts. This new service will allow mariners to instantly send a distress call with GPS position (when connected to the transceiver) to the USA Coast Guard and other vessel within range of the transmission. DSC will also allow mariners to initiate or receive distress, urgency, safety and routine calls to or from another vessel equipped with a DSC transceiver. DSC LOG (page) 'MENU' + "DSC" + 'ENTER' + "LOG" + 'ENTER' or press any soft key + ' LOG' (if it is present) Shows the Distress Call LOG page or Position Request LOG page. It depends which of the two was selected. From the Distress Call page it is possible to select the Position Request page and viceversa. Figure 8d - DSC LOG - Distress Call Page Use the ShuttlePoint knob up/down to move the selection through the list and left/right to select active function: Locate: Centers the map on the selected position. GPS Chart 160/170C Page 69 Delete: Deletes selection position. Hide/Show: Allows hiding/showing the selected points on the chart display. The default value of the field is Yes (object shown on the map). [. . . ] 80 TRN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Trouble shooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 TTG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Turning On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ]


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