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[. . . ] Osciloscópios de armazenamento digital Digital Storage Oscilloscopes
Folha de dados da série TDS1000B / TDS1000B Series Data Sheet
Designedepuração Educaçãoetreinamento Testedefabricaçãoecontroledequalidade Serviçoeconserto
*1 ujeitaalimitações. Paraobterostermoseascondições, acessewww. tektronix. com/lifetimewarranty. S
Recursos e benefícios
Largurasdebandade40MHz, 60MHze100MHz Velocidadesdeamostragemdeaté1GS/semtemporeal 2canais DisplayLCDmonocromático ArmazenamentodedadosremovívelcomaportaUSBdopainelfrontal ConectividadecomPCuniformepormeiodaportadodispositivoUSB, comossoftwaresOpenChoice®eNISignalExpress®PC Triggersavançados, incluindootriggerdelarguradepulsoeotriggerde vídeoselecionávelporlinha PadrãoFFTemtodososmodelos 12mediçõesautomáticas Interfacedeusuárioemváriosidiomaseajudasensívelaocontexto ImpressãodiretaemtodasasimpressorascompatíveiscomPictBridge® pormeiodaportadodispositivoUSB Garantiavitalícia*1
UseseuflashdriveUSBdeformaconvenienteparaarmazenarimagensdatelaedadosdeforma deonda.
Capture, graveeanalisefacilmenteresultadosdemediçõescomosoftwareOpenChoicePC Communications.
Osciloscópios da série TDS1000B
Produtividade imediata. [. . . ] 61010-1:2004, EN61010-1:2001, IEC61010-1:2001
Physical Characteristics
Instrument Dimensions mm in.
Multiple-language User Interface and Context-sensitive Help
Characteristic Description
Width Height Depth
326. 3 158. 0 124. 2 2. 0 2. 2
mm kg
12. 85 6. 22 4. 89 4. 4 4. 9
in. lb.
Languages Available
English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian*3, Simplied Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese
Instrument Only With accessories
Instrument Shipping Package Dimensions
*3 Requires Russian rmware, indicated by "RUS" sufx.
Width Height Depth
476. 2 266. 7 228. 6 482. 6 177. 8 108. 0
18. 75 10. 5 9. 0 19. 0 7. 0 4. 25
RM2000B Rackmount
Width Height Depth
www. tektronix. com
Ordering Information
Model Description
User Manual Options
Translated front-panel overlays included with their respective user manuals.
Option Description
TDS1001B TDS1002B TDS1012B
40 MHz, 2 Ch, 500 MS/s, Monochrome DSO 60 MHz, 2 Ch, 1 GS/s, Monochrome DSO 100 MHz, 2 Ch, 1 GS/s, Monochrome DSO
Standard Accessories
Accessory Description
Passive Probes Power Cord NIM/NIST Documentation OpenChoice PC Communications Software
200 MHz (one per channel) (Please specify plug option) Traceable Certicate of Calibration User manual (please specify preferred language option) Enables fast and easy communication between a Windows PC and the TDS1000B Series using USB. Transfer and save settings, waveforms, measurements, and screen images National Instruments A fully interactive measurement software environment SignalExpress Tektronix optimized for the TDS1000B Series. Enables you to Edition Interactive instantly acquire, generate, analyze, compare, import, Measurement Software and save measurement data and signals using intuitive Base Version drag-and-drop user interface that does not require any programming. Standard TDS1000B Series support for acquiring, controlling, viewing, and exporting your live signal. A 30-day trial period of the Professional Version provides additional signal processing, advance analysis, mixed signal, sweeping, limit testing, and user-dened step capabilities. Order SIGEXPTE for permanent Professional Version capability Limited Lifetime Covers labor and parts for defects in materials and Warranty*4 workmanship for a minimum of 10 years, excluding probes and accessories*5
*4 Lifetime is dened as 5 years after Tektronix discontinues manufacturing the product, but the warranty length shall be at least 10 years from date of original purchase. Lifetime warranty is nontransferable, proof of original purchase is required. For terms and conditions visit www. tektronix. com/lifetimewarranty. *5 Probes and accessories are not covered by the oscilloscope warranty and service offerings. [. . . ] All other trade names referenced are the service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respectivecompanies. 30Aug2010 3GP-25644-0
www. tektronix. com [. . . ]
Lastmanuals oferece um serviço socialmente orientado de compartilhamento e pesquisa de manuais relacionados ao uso de hardwarfe e software: guias de usuário, manuais de proprietário, guias de início rápido, planilhas técnicas... De modo algum a Lastmanuals pode ser resposabilizada se o documento que você estiver procurando estiver indisponível, incompleto, num idioma diferente do seu ou se o modelo ou língua não coincidem com a descrição. Lastmanuals, por exemplo, não oferece um serviço de tradução.
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