Manual do usuário TEKTRONIX TDS2024B DATASHEET

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Resumo do manual: guia do usuário TEKTRONIX TDS2024BDATASHEET

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[. . . ] Persistence ­ Off, 1 s, 2 s, 5 s, innite. Format ­ YT and XY. video, or broadcast standards (NTSC, PAL, SECAM). Pulse Width (or Glitch) ­ Trigger on a pulse width less than, greater than, equal to, or not equal to, a selectable time limit ranging from 33 ns to 10 s. Video ­ Trigger on all lines or individual lines, odd/even or all elds from composite any channel. Coupling selections: AC, DC, Noise Reject, HF Reject, LF Reject. Languages Available ­ English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian*3, Simplied Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese. Multiple-language User Interface and Context-sensitive Help Trigger Source Environmental and Safety Temperature ­ Humidity ­ Altitude ­ 2-channel Models ­ CH1, CH2, Ext, Ext/5, AC Line. [. . . ] TDS1012B: 100 MHz, 2 Ch, 1 GS/s, Monochrome DSO. TDS2002B: 60 MHz, 2 Ch, 1 GS/s, Color DSO. TDS2004B: 60 MHz, 4 Ch, 1 GS/s, Color DSO. TDS2012B: 100 MHz, 2 Ch, 1 GS/s, Color DSO. TDS2014B: 100 MHz, 4 Ch, 1 GS/s, Color DSO. TDS2022B: 200 MHz, 2 Ch, 2 GS/s, Color DSO. TDS2024B: 200 MHz, 4 Ch, 2 GS/s, Color DSO. Recommended Accessories TEK-USB-488 ­ GPIB-to-USB converter. SIGEXPTE ­ National Instruments SignalExpress Tektronix Edition Interactive Measurement Software - Professional Version. AC2100 ­ Soft Carrying Case for Instrument. HCTEK4321 ­ Hard Plastic Carrying Case for Instrument (requires AC2100). 071-1075-xx ­ Programmer Manual - English Only. 071-1828-xx ­ Service Manual - English Only. TNGTDS01 ­ Operator Training Kit - Extensive instructions and step-by-step lab exercises provide education about the operation of TDS1000B and TDS2000B Series oscilloscopes. Kit includes self-paced CD-ROM-based manual and signal source board. 174-4401-xx ­ USB host to device cable, 3 feet long. Standard Accessories between a Windows PC and the TDS1000B and TDS2000B Series using USB. Transfer and save settings, waveforms, measurements, and screen images. Passive Probes ­ 200 MHz (one per channel). Power Cord ­ (Please specify plug option). NIM/NIST ­ Traceable Certicate of Calibration. Documentation ­ User Manual (Please specify preferred language option). OpenChoice PC Communications Software ­ Enables fast and easy communication National Instruments SignalExpress Tektronix Edition Interactive Measurement Software - Base Version ­ A fully interactive measurement software environment Recommended Probes P2220 ­ 10x to 1x Switchable Passive Probe (200 MHz when 10x is selected). [. . . ] For terms and conditions visit www. tektronix. com/lifetimewarranty. *5 Probes and accessories are not covered by the oscilloscope warranty and Service Offerings. Refer to the datasheet of each probe and accessory model for its unique warranty and calibration terms. Translated front-panel overlays included with their respective user manuals. www. tektronix. com 5 www. tektronix. com 5 DataSheet Data Sheet Service Offerings (Available after purchase) calibration interval, whichever comes rst. TDSxxxxB-CA1 ­ Provides a single calibration event or coverage for the designated The Tektronix Customer Service Advantage The Complete Measurement Solution The AFG3000 Series arbitrary function generator pairs with the TDS2000B and TDS1000B Series digital storage oscilloscopes to deliver the two elements of a complete measurement solution ­ stimulus and acquisition. This instrument combines the capabilities of a function generator with the power of an arbitrary waveform generator, offering the performance needed to accurately verify, validate, and characterize designs with ease and condence at a price you can afford. You can trust Tektronix to offer unequalled engineering expertise and a customer-centric approach to ensure the optimal performance of your Tektronix products and maximize the lifetime value of your Tektronix investment. [. . . ]


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