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Resumo do manual: guia do usuário TEKTRONIX TPS2012DATASHEET
Instruções detalhadas para o uso estão no Guia do Usuário.
[. . . ] Bandwidth is 200 MHz typical at 5 mV/div, 200 MHz models only. Bandwidth is 200 MHz typical between 40 °C and 50 °C, 200 MHz models only.
Acquisition Modes
narrow as 12 ns typical using acquisition hardware at all time/div settings from 5 s/div to 50 s/div. Average Waveform averaged, selectable: 4, 16, 64, 128. Single Sequence Use the Single Sequence button to capture a single triggered acquisition sequence at a time. [. . . ] RS-232 Programmability Full talk/listen modes. Control of all modes, settings, and measurements. Baud rate up to 19, 200.
Mass Storage CompactFlash® Memory
Printer Port (standard) Centronics-type Parallel.
OpenChoice PC Communications Software
· Accepts any Type 1 CompactFlash® card, up to and including 1 GB (card not included). Use the P5120 (oatable to 600 VRMS CAT II or 300 VRMS CAT III) or similarly rated passive, high-voltage probe or an appropriately rated high-voltage, differential probe when oating the common lead above 30 VRMS, subject to the ratings of such high-voltage probe.
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Width Height Depth
476. 2 266. 7 228. 6
18. 75 10. 50 9. 00
Ordering Information
TPS2012, TPS2014, TPS2024
Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Standard Accessories Probes P2220 200 MHz, 1x/10x switchable passive probe (one per channel). Battery (1) Lithium-ion battery with fuel gauge for 4-hour battery life. Two batteries required for 8 hours continuous battery operation. TDSPCS1 OpenChoice PC Connectivity Software A collection of programs that enable fast and easy communication between MS Windows PCs and TPS2000 Series oscilloscopes. Documentation 1-each set of instruction manuals (see below for the appropriate language manual part number). NIM/NIST-Traceable Certicate of Calibration. Front Protective Cover.
CAT Ratings
Overvoltage Categories
Category Examples of Products in this Category
Distribution-level mains, xed installation Local-level mains, appliances, portable equipment Signal levels in special equipment or parts of equipment, telecommunications, electronics
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DataSheet Data Sheet
Soft carrying case.
Recommended Accessories TPS2PBND Power bundle for TPS2000 Series oscilloscopes. Includes (4) P5120 passive, high-voltage probes and TPS2PWR1 power measurement and analysis software. TPS2PWR1 Power measurements application package. Instantaneous power waveform analysis, waveform analysis, harmonics analysis, switching loss, phase angles, dv/dt and di/dt cursors. WSTRO WaveStar software; Windows 98/2000/ME/NT 4. 0 application for waveform capture, analysis, documentation, and control from your PC. Provides enhanced oscilloscope data measurement, analysis, remote setup and charting features. AC2100 Soft case for carrying instrument. HCTEK321 Hard case for carrying instrument. Service Manual English only (P/N 071-1465-xx). Programmer Manual English only (P/N 071-1075-xx). 156-9413-xx CompactFlash® memory card, 32 MB or more.
Versatile hanger.
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www. tektronix. com
DigitalStorageOscilloscopesTPS2012·TPS2014·TPS2024 Digital Storage Oscilloscopes -- TPS2012 · TPS2014 · TPS2024
P2220 Probe.
P5120 Probe.
Recommended Probes A621 2000 A, 5-50 kHz AC current probe/BNC. A622 100 A, 100 kHz AC/DC current probe/BNC. P5120 Passive high-voltage probe (1000 V CAT II tip to ground; 600 V CAT II reference to earth ground). [. . . ] L7 Simplied Chinese (071-1448-xx). L8 Traditional Chinese (071-1449-xx). 10 Russian (071-1451-xx) Translated front-panel overlay included with its respective user manual.
Opt. Opt.
Tektronix Support Completes the Solution. [. . . ]
Lastmanuals oferece um serviço socialmente orientado de compartilhamento e pesquisa de manuais relacionados ao uso de hardwarfe e software: guias de usuário, manuais de proprietário, guias de início rápido, planilhas técnicas... De modo algum a Lastmanuals pode ser resposabilizada se o documento que você estiver procurando estiver indisponível, incompleto, num idioma diferente do seu ou se o modelo ou língua não coincidem com a descrição. Lastmanuals, por exemplo, não oferece um serviço de tradução.
Clique em "Baixar o manual do usuário" no final deste Contrato; se você aceitar estes termos, a descarga do manual TEKTRONIX TPS2012 começará.