Manual do usuário YAMAHA RX-V595RDS

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Resumo do manual: guia do usuário YAMAHA RX-V595RDS

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[. . . ] Heed Warnings ­ All warnings on the product and in the operating instructions should be adhered to. Follow Instructions ­ All operating and use instructions should be followed. Cleaning ­ Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. [. . . ] · Digital signals input to the DIGITAL INPUT jacks are not output to the analog AUDIO OUT (L/R) jacks for recording. Likewise, analog signals input to the AUDIO IN (L/R) jacks are not output to the DIGITAL OUTPUT jack. Therefore, if your source component is connected to provide only digital (or analog) signals, you can only record digital (or analog) signals. · A given input source is not output on the same REC OUT channel. (For example, the signal input from VCR 1 IN is not output on VCR 1 OUT. ) · Check the copyright laws in your country to record from records, CDs, radio, etc. Recording of copyrighted material may infringe copyright laws. VOLUME OPTIMIZER MIC PRESET/TUNING FM/AM A/B/C/D/E l PRESET/TUNING h MEMORY TUNING MODE EDIT NEXT LEVEL MAN'L/AUTO FM AUTO/MAN'L MONO PROGRAM INPUT PHONES SPEAKERS A B STANDBY /ON EFFECT STRAIGHT TONE CONTROL INPUT MODE MULTI CH INPUT PURE DIRECT VIDEO AUX SILENT CINEMA S VIDEO VIDEO L AUDIO R OPTICAL (U. S. A. model) 1 TRANSMIT RE-NAME CLEAR 2 LEARN SYSTEM 1 POWER STANDBY SLEEP INPUT MODE A B PHONO MULTI CH IN V-AUX TUNER MD/CD-R CD DTV/CBL VCR 1 DVR/VCR2 DVD 2 SELECT 1 2 Turn on the power of this unit and all connected components. Select the source component you want to record from. INPUT A B If you playback a video source that uses scrambled or encoded signals to prevent it from being dubbed, the picture itself may be disturbed due to those signals. PHONO MULTI CH IN V-AUX TUNER MD/CD-R CD or DTV/CBL VCR 1 DVR/VCR2 DVD Special considerations when recording DTS software The DTS signal is a digital bitstream. Attempting to digitally record the DTS bitstream will result in noise being recorded. Therefore, if you want to use this unit to record sources that have DTS signals recorded on them, the following considerations and adjustments need to be made. For DVDs and CDs encoded with DTS, when your player is compatible with the DTS format, follow its operating instructions to make a setting so that the analog signal will be output from the player. Front panel Remote control 3 4 y Start playback (or select a broadcast station) on the source component. Standard 6. 1-channel processing for Dolby Digital sources. DOLBY D EX: SUR. ENHANCED CINEMA DSP enhanced 6. 1-channel processing (Dolby Digital EX) for Dolby Digital sources. Standard 5. 1-channel processing for DTS sources. Standard 5. 1-channel processing for 96-kHz/24-bit DTS sources. CINEMA DSP enhanced processing for DTS and 96-kHz/24-bit DTS sources. MULTI Standard 6. 1/7. 1-channel processing (Dolby Pro Logic IIx Movie) for DTS sources. CINEMA DSP enhanced 6. 1/7. 1-channel processing (Dolby Pro Logic IIx Movie) for DTS sources. Standard 6. 1-channel processing (Dolby Digital EX) for DTS sources. CINEMA DSP enhanced 6. 1-channel processing (Dolby Digital EX) for DTS sources. Standard 6. 1-channel processing (DTS-ES Matrix) for DTS sources. CINEMA DSP enhanced processing (DTS-ES Matrix) for DTS sources. Standard 6. 1-channel processing (DTS-ES Discrete) for DTS sources. CINEMA DSP enhanced processing (DTS-ES Discrete) for DTS sources. 46 SOUND FIELD PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS Program Features Standard processing for Dolby Surround sources. Sources PRO LOGIC: SUR. ENHANCED PRO LOGIC IIx: PLIIx Movie PRO LOGIC II: PLII Movie PRO LOGIC IIx: PLIIx Game PRO LOGIC II: PLII Game DTS: Neo:6 Cinema CINEMA DSP enhanced precessing for Dolby Surround sources. Dolby Pro Logic IIx processing for movie software. Dolby Pro Logic II processing for movie software. 2-CH Dolby Pro Logic IIx processing for game software. Dolby Pro Logic II processing for game software. DTS processing for movie software. * You can select either Pro Logic IIx or Pro Logic II processing using the PLII/PLIIx parameter on page 78. SOUND FIELD PROGRAMS English 47 SOUND FIELD PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS For music sources You can select from the following sound fields when playing music sources, like CD, FM/AM broadcasting, tapes, etc. Program Features HiFi DSP processing. A classic shoe-box type concert hall with approximately 1700 seats. Pillars and ornate carvings create extremely complex reflections which produce a very full, rich sound. This is the sound field at stage front in "The Bottom Line", a famous New York jazz club. The floor can seat 300 people to the left and right in a sound field offering a real and vibrant sound. The ideal program for lively, dynamic rock music. The data for this program was recorded at LA's "hottest" rock club. [. . . ] and Canada models] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530 to 1710 kHz [Asia and General models] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530/531 to 1710/1611 kHz [Other models] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531 to 1611 kHz · Usable Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ]


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