Manual do usuário ZANUSSI ZI9240D

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Resumo do manual: guia do usuário ZANUSSI ZI9240D

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[. . . ] REFRIGERADORCONGELADOR FRIDGE-FREEZER FRIGORÍFICOCONGELADOR KÜHLGEFRIERSCHRANK ZI 9240 D LIBRO DE INSTRUCCIONES INSTRUCTION BOOKLET MANUAL DE INSTRUÇÕES BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG 2222 315-64 · Während des Transports kann es vorkommen, daß das im Motorkompressor enthaltene Öl in den Kältekreislauf abläuft. warten, bevor das Gerät in Betrieb genommen wird, damit das Öl in den Kompressor zurückströmen kann. Umweltnormen Dieses Gerät enthält im Kühlkreislauf und in der Isolierung kein ozonschädigendes Gas. Das Gerät darf nicht mit dem Hausmüll entsorgt werden. Eine Beschädigung des Kältemittelkreislaufs, insbesondere des Wärmetauschers auf der Rückseite des Gerätes, muß verhindert werden. [. . . ] - 73/23 CEE 19/02/73 (Baixa Tensão) e sucessivas modificações; - 89/336 CEE 03/05/89 (Compatibilidade Electromagnética) e sucessivas modificações. Colocação Coloque o aparelho longe de qualquer fonte de calor (aquecimento, fogões, ou raios solares demasiado intensos). Periodic cleaning Clean the inside with warm water and bicarbonate of soda. Clean the condenser (black grill) and the compressor at the back of the appliance with a brush or a vacuum cleaner. This operation will improve the performance of the appliance and save electricity consumption. Interior light The light bulb inside the refrigerator compartment can be reached as follows: - unscrew the light cover securing screw. - unhook the moving part as shown in the figure. If the light does not come on when the door is open, check that it is screwed into place properly. If it still does not light up, change the bulb. The rating is shown on the light bulb cover. D411 Defrosting Frost is automatically eliminated from the evaporator of the refrigerator compartment every time the motor compressor stops, during normal use. The defrost water drains out through a trough into a special container at the back of the appliance, over the motor compressor, where it evaporates. It is important to periodically clean the defrost water drain hole in the middle of the refrigerator compartment channel to prevent the water overflowing and dripping onto the food inside. Use the special cleaner provided, which you will find already inserted into the drain hole. The freezer compartment, however, will become progressively covered with frost. This should be removed with a plastic scraper, whenever the thickness of the frost exceeds 4 mm. During this operation it is not necessary to switch off the power supply or to remove the foodstuffs. Never use sharp metal tools to scrape off frost from the evaporator as you could damage it. 21 Fixadores para prateleiras O seu aparelho é equipado com fixadores para prateleiras que permitem de bloquear as prateleiras durante o transporte. Para removê-los executar quanto segue: mexer os fixadores de prateleiras no sentido da seta, levantar o vidro na parte traseira e empurrá-lo para a frente até liberá-lo e remover os fixadores. 36 A D037 B C However, when the ice becomes very thick on the inner liner, complete defrosting should be carried out as follows: 1. pull out the plug from the wall socket or turn the thermostat knob to the «O» setting; 2. remove any stored food, wrap it in several layers of newspaper and put it in a cool place; 3. when defrosting is completed, dry the interior thoroughly; 5. turn the thermostat knob back to the required setting or replace the plug in the power socket. After two or three hours, reload the previously removed food into the compartment. Important: Never use sharp metal tools to scrape off frost from the evaporator as you could damage it. Do not use a maechanical device or any artificial means to speed up the thawing process other than those recommended by the manufacturer. [. . . ] Tenha o maior cuidado quando o deslocar Não consuma certos produtos, tais como gelados, imediatamente após terem saído do aparelho; a temperatura muito baixa a que se encontram pode provocar queimaduras. Este aparelho contém hidrocarbonetos no circuito refrigerante; portanto, a manutenção e a recarga devem ser efectuadas exclusivamente por pessoal autorizado pelo produtor. Preste a máxima atenção ao deslocar o aparelho, para não danificar as partes do circuito refrigerante, evitando assim possíveis saídas de fluido. O aparelho não deve ser instalado perto de elementos de aquecimento ou fogões de gás. [. . . ]


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